First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1019 Genius Girl

Chapter 1019 Genius Girl
"You dare to destroy my elixir formula, I will kill you." Elder Xiao roared angrily, wanting to rush up and drag Jing Ge down from the alchemy furnace.

He was mad.

The pill formula is very precious, and he himself is reluctant to crumple it a little bit, but this woman actually directly scribbled it with a pen!
If this formula is destroyed, what face does he have to meet his seniors?
He failed the trust of his predecessors!

If the people behind him hadn't hugged the elder tightly to prevent him from rushing up, he might have pulled Jing Ge down by now.

Jing Ge didn't even look at them, and continued to refine the elixir calmly according to her original steps.

To be honest, she could tell at the first glance that there was a defect that was difficult to find in this pill formula, because of this defect, the success rate of this pill was only 50.00%, wasting so many precious things in vain. medicinal materials.

In fact, her improved pill formula can not only greatly reduce the time, but also increase the success rate to 90.00%.

The remaining [-]% depends on the operation level of the alchemist and the proficiency of the alchemy hand formula.

Like her, you can achieve a success rate of 90.00%.

"Old Xiao, don't get excited, look at her medicine refining formula, do you see any difference?" Another elder, who had not spoken much all this time, suddenly brushed his beard and said.

"It seems to be true. The posture of this hand formula is obviously different from that when Lao Xiao made alchemy, and I feel that her aura is very pure, and her control of the fire is just right, and she is not in a hurry, she seems to be able to handle it with ease. look.

It's hard to imagine that someone with such proficient alchemy skills is actually just a 16-year-old girl, this is undoubtedly a genius. "Another elder said.

After the two elders answered, the rest of the elders also turned their attention back to Jing Ge's hands.

I saw her hands flying, so fast that there was only an afterimage left. If it was just an ordinary person, I would only see an afterimage, but the people present were all immortal cultivators, and their facial features were incomparable to ordinary people.

Their strength can clearly see Jing Ge's movements.

Because of this, I was even more amazed at the ingenuity hidden in her hand formula.

The ten elders all looked at it for a while, especially Elder Xiao, the person in charge of the alchemist branch.

The old man was the most troublesome just now.

But now is also the most fascinated.

He stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth wide, looked at Jing Ge's white hands without any image, and couldn't believe that this elixir could be refined like this.

And he could feel that the elixir in the elixir furnace was taking shape little by little, twice as fast as when he was refining it in the past.

What is the background of this girl?
Is it really only 16 years old?

He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a young genius girl.

It is true that there are talented people from generation to generation.

If you don't accept it, you will die.

The elder standing next to Elder Xiao, don't turn his head to look at Elder Xiao, just look at his expression of surprise and admiration, you can know that he has been convinced by the talent of this talented girl.

He nudged Elder Xiao with his elbow, and said with a low laugh, "Old Xiao, look at you, you don't live as long as a fraction of yours, but your talent for alchemy is much higher than yours Level. You have been studying this elixir since you were young, right?
(End of this chapter)

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