First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1021 Sorry, Does It Hurt?

Chapter 1021 Sorry, Does It Hurt?

Elder Xiao heard the words, the swearing stopped abruptly, he quickly raised his feet, rushed up first, squeezed past Jing Ge, lifted the lid of the alchemy furnace, and saw a purple elixir inside.

The purple elixir is still surrounded by a faint purple air——

The ultimate pill!

This little girl is indeed no ordinary person.

At this moment, Elder Xiao had almost confirmed in his heart that Jing Ge was the overlord of the world that his master asserted hundreds of years ago that would change the world pattern!
Now as long as 'him' can be invited out to verify the authenticity, you will know whether his guess is right or not.

"How is it? Have I passed the test?" Jing Ge yawned lazily, not paying attention at all.

Standing beside him, he glanced sideways at Elder Xiao, saw the wonderful expression change on his face, smiled sarcastically with the corners of his lips curled up, and said, "It will be too late for you to start cursing me now."

Jing Ge smiled so much that she said words that would kill people more than they deserve.

Elder Xiao, who was about to praise her when he saw the top-quality elixir: "..."

Of course Jing Ge knows what these old men want to say, but she is not such a coaxing person, just now she was bluffing and trying to bully her, but now seeing her talent, she wants to praise her and flatter her, she is not an idiot Sweet, so easily deceived.

Jing Ge turned around, stretched his back to the group of old men, and said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first. My partner is still waiting for me at home. If he returns late, he will be angry."

After she finished speaking, she strode out, not giving these old men a chance to stay.

The old men knew that they had offended her just now, and thought it was inappropriate for her to say anything because she was still angry. Anyway, she was still in the academy, so it would be better to talk to her later when her anger subsides.

The old men who were making wishful thinking made Jing Ge leave the pharmacy safe and sound.

Jing Ge just stepped out of the gate of the Alchemist's Branch School, and saw a tall figure from the back at the gate.

The man stood with his hands behind his back, his tall back was pulled out by the shadow of an old elder under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Seeing this, Jing Ge showed a sincere smile, rushed over, hugged Bai Yeling from behind, put his chin on his back, rubbed him lightly a few times, and said, "How long have you been waiting for me?" ?”

"Not long, just arrived." In fact, I have been waiting since the end of get out of class.

He knew that Jing Ge had the ability to convince these old men, so he waited outside with peace of mind, otherwise he would have rushed in to demand someone.

This is his trust in her.

Of course Jing Ge knew what he was thinking, when she hugged him, she pressed her face against his strong muscles from the back, feeling his body temperature through the clothes to her cheeks, and said with a slightly red face, "Let's go, Go back and study "Secrets of the Soul Master". I took a rough look last night, and there are many things I still don't understand. Let's study and study together when we go back.

You have more experience than me, maybe you can understand it. "Jing Ge didn't realize that she was becoming more and more dependent on him.

Putting her hands on his back, her intimate movements pushed him forward.

Bai Yeling was afraid that she would fall if she couldn't see the way behind, so she stopped and turned around. Her hands didn't move, and she threw herself into his arms out of inertia.

The tip of Jing Ge's nose bumped against his strong and powerful chest, her tall nose was sour, and she whimpered a few times in discomfort.

Bai Yeling touched her nose distressedly, and asked softly, "I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

The pity in the eyes almost overflowed.

(End of this chapter)

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