First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1038 Put him down quickly

Chapter 1038 Put him down quickly

"So what? He's just a child. Are you ashamed of being so cruel to a child?" Hao Xingyue hugged Langming, caring and comforting him softly.

A few words to comfort the crying Langming, and then a few words to hate Jun Jiuxin.

This guy is really hateful, to bully Xiao Langming like this.

If she hadn't still hugged Lang Ming, she really wanted to beat him hard to relieve her anger.

Jing Di next to him hugged the legs of the table and wanted to climb up, but his hands were short, and he couldn't climb up even after a lot of effort. Instead, he was sweating all over his head.

"Hum hum hum."

Noticing Jing Di's movements, Jun Jiuxin picked up Jing Di by the back collar with one hand, and moved him to Langming.

Jing Di was strangled to the neck by the clothes, her face was flushed red, and she looked at Lang Ming with aggrieved eyes.

Langming was still pretending to cry, but when he saw his younger brother suffering, he immediately stopped crying and yelled at Jun Jiuxin: "You let go of my younger brother, you hurt him."

How can this bad uncle bully such a cute and soft brother, hum!

Hao Xingyue was so angry that she stepped on Jun Jiuxin's instep and said angrily, "Put him down quickly."

Jun Jiuxin felt that he was very innocent, but he obediently put Jing Di down.

Originally, he wanted to let go, but under Hao Xingyue's watchful eyes, he slowed down and put Jing Di on the table.

"Cough cough cough..." Poor little Jing Di coughed until tears came out.

Aggrieved, she stretched out her hands to Langming, wanting her brother's hug to comfort her wounded heart.

Langming habitually wanted to reach out and hug his cute younger brother, but he was still injured, the bone was hurt, and the movement of reaching out was too big, and the bone was pulled, causing him to gasp in pain.

Hao Xingyue hugged him distressedly and said: "Your injuries are too serious, you can't hug my brother now, I'll put you down, you can sit by the side and be with my brother, okay?"

She knew that Lang Ming's character was very stubborn, and he said what he said, if he didn't give him a hug for his brother, maybe he would forcefully jump off.

In order to prevent him from tossing and opening the wound, she put Lang Ming down and sat beside Jing Di.

Jing Di flung herself into the arms of her little brother with grievances, pointed at Jun Jiuxin with her chubby little paws, and began to complain aggrievedly. He still couldn't speak clearly, and when he spoke quickly, he could only hear a series of gurgling voices. But Lang Ming understood everything.

Even Hao Xingyue and Jun Jiuxin didn't know what Jing Di was talking about, but Lang Ming understood it easily.

He put his arms around Jing Di's shoulders, held Jing Di in his arms, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, brother is here."

With tears in her eyes, Jing Di nodded vigorously, hummed, and then cried while hugging her favorite little brother.

Hao Xingyue stared at Jun Jiuxin without any surprise. He felt bewildered and scratched the back of his head, not knowing why.

There is no doubt that he is a straight man with a muscle.

In the evening, when Jing Ge and Bai Yeling came back, they saw the injured Jing Di and Lang Ming, and they were furious. In an instant, the aura on their bodies suddenly became sharp.

If Jun Jiuxin hadn't said that that wretched man had already been trampled on the head, Jing Ge would definitely have to tear that bastard's body into pieces now.

How dare you pay attention to her head, it's boring.

But this also proves from the side that she is still too weak and not strong enough-that's why her talent will be bullied.

Only when she is strong enough to deter others just by her name can she better protect her family, friends, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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