First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1042 The most critical page 1

Chapter 1042 The most critical page

"What is Master thinking?" The young man who was following Master stood next to Master, looked up at the direction Master was looking at, and only saw a deserted corner of the eaves.

A little curious, Master has often looked in that direction since he entered Tianlan College.

What do you see?
He didn't know, but was curious.

He knew that Master couldn't see, but he could see things that ordinary people couldn't see.

"You are still young, so you won't understand even if you say it." The clear and cold voice poured out from the mouth, with a beautiful face, silver-white hair, and a white dress that fluttered in the wind, it looked downright It's really a bit of a sense of immortality that I want to ride a crane back home.

The boy looked at the master.

The wind blew, and the silver hair on Master's back fluttered with the wind.

The thoughtful young man didn't speak any more.

late at night.

Disguised as a boy, Jing Ge entered Tianlan Academy alone.

Jing Ge touched the place where the master lived, lifted a small tile, and took a look at the situation inside the house.

The master was sitting by the bed, holding a round red bead in his hand, turning it quietly.

Jing Ge waited on it for a while, put a restraint around the house, and then entered the house through the window.

No sound, no footsteps.

She quietly came to the master, and waved her hand in front of his eyes - this is still very blind.

What a pity for such a beautiful face.

"You finally came to find me." The beauty master said suddenly, which really shocked Jing Ge.

She subconsciously took a few steps back, clenched her fists, put her mouth to cough, and said, "You knew I would come? Do you know divination?"

"I have what you want, but I have one condition." The master's thin lips were lightly opened, and his voice was cool and elegant, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Jing Ge slightly raised his eyebrows.

This man knows everything.

This reminded her of the fortune teller in Xuan Yue Kingdom, and also thought of the fate of the original body.

The original body was because the fate was predicted by a fortune teller when he was born, and then he was affected by it, and the whole family was affected.

If this person is also a fortuneteller, will he see that she bears the destiny of the Queen of Phoenix?
She didn't want to be the sweet pastry that others sought after again.

"Oh, you said you know what I want? Then tell me what I want?" Jing Ge still had doubts about the mysterious man in front of him, and didn't trust him very much.

"If you want to save someone, I can help you." Master said.

Jing Ge looked at Master in surprise, never expecting that he would really know, that is to say, he would probably know her fate——

"What are your conditions?"

"When you finish saving people, accompany me to a place."

"That's it?" Jing Ge simply took off the mask on his face.

Disguising herself as a man is useless in front of this person, and this mask is even more useless.

"Well, that's it." Master said lightly.

"Okay, I promise you, but the premise is that you can really help me." Jing Ge's lips curled up, but she was not at a loss if she was just going somewhere with this person.

The master took out a piece of paper, handed it to Jing Ge accurately, and said, "This is the missing page in the "Secret of the Soul Master" you are looking for."

Jing Ge quickly unfolded the folded yellowed paper, took a look, then took out the secret from the ring, opened it to the missing place, and attached the paper.

Looking back and forth, all doubts were resolved.

She understood it almost at a glance.

Sure enough, the missing page is the most critical one.

"Master Beauty, how did you get this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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