Chapter 1049
Meng Feifei didn't stay any longer when he heard the words, turned around and ran out quickly.

After Jing Ge went out, she called Li Chen in and asked him to guard Meng Feifei to avoid any accidents.

He rushed to the academy himself.

Tianlan College is subdivided into several branches, the largest of which is Xiuxian Branch, but Xiuxian is also subdivided into different classes according to different spiritual roots, this is to allow students to develop their specialties as quickly as possible .

Of course, the excellent students in the previous class were all relatively excellent or multi-lingen students.

And Meng Feifei's class is a special remedial class.

There are basically geniuses in it.

From every big state.

In order to cultivate this group of geniuses, the academy specially set aside a large area for their private study and practice area.

Jing Ge worked as a temporary lecturer in this college for ten days, so she has a general understanding of the scale and setting of Tianlan College.

She entered the gate of the academy and went straight to the special remedial class.

With an immature face, when people passed by, they were regarded as students. No one guessed that she was actually one of the lecturers of this college.

"Come here, everyone, and bring you something delicious." A pleasant voice came from not far away, and a group of people immediately surrounded them.

The man was wearing high-quality silk clothes, and around his waist was a jade pendant that belonged exclusively to the royal family. Jing Ge had good eyesight, and when he was not very far away, he took a look.

On the top-quality jade pendant, there are wolf-shaped rune carvings.

This jade pendant seems to have appeared in the memory left by the original body...

Jing Ge bit her nails, thought for a while, and suddenly some vague fragments flashed in her mind, which reminded her of the memories buried deep in her memory.

This is the jade pendant of the royal family of the Canglang Kingdom, and the Canglang is the symbol of their country.

This Canglang country is a first-tier country, and their national strength is among the best even among first-tier countries.

The country has a large land area, a pool of talents, and rich resources, so the speed of development far exceeds that of other countries.

When grandpa was still there, he originally wanted to take her to this country to find the elixir to cure her dantian. Grandpa also found relevant information about this country.

And the original body also saw the national emblem of the Canglang Kingdom in the pair of documents.

Because she is so beautiful, she has a deep memory, so that Jing Ge feels familiar just by looking at it.

"Ouyang Xi, isn't this red heart fruit a special tribute from your country? Did your elder brother ask someone to bring you something to eat again?" A man next to him seemed to have a good relationship with Ouyang Xi. On Ouyang Xi's shoulder, he reached out his hand and took out a big red heart fruit from the basket in Ouyang Xi's hand.

He opened his mouth and took a bite.

Crunchy and juicy.

Very refreshing.

Let out a satisfied sigh, and said: "Well, yes, it is really fair that only the royal family can eat it. It is so delicious, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the king of fruits. Those fruits that I have eaten since I was a child, and these There's no comparison at all."

"Of course, this red heart fruit is rare, and the ones produced in our country are actually good. The living environment is too harsh, and the survival rate is not high, so in most cases, only the royal family can eat it.

Ordinary people, it is a gift from God to be able to see it at a glance. It is said among the people that each piece of this red heart fruit costs ten taels of gold, which shows that it is expensive. "Ouyang Xi smiled triumphantly, revealing the dimple on her left cheek.

As soon as he finished speaking, the red hearts in the basket were instantly plundered.

(End of this chapter)

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