Chapter 1053

"Then let him continue to sleep. Tonight, you and Li Gui will take turns guarding him. If anything happens, please notify me immediately. I will live next door."

After she finished speaking, she withdrew her plan to open the door and went in to see Meng Feifei's hand.

Glancing at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, he walked to the next door, opened the door, and when he was about to close the door, a slender leg squeezed in.

"Go back to your room to sleep tonight." Jing Ge turned around, folded her arms, and glared at Bai Yeling.

Without making a sound, Bai Yeling directly picked her up, kissed her on the brow and said: "I've prepared the bath water for you, go take a bath first."

Jing Ge struggled a few times, wanting to jump out of his arms, but Bai Yeling's arms were very strong, although it wouldn't hurt her, the strength made her unable to break free.

"You put me down, I'll wash myself."

Bai Yeling smiled, and said, "Are you sure you want to continue struggling? There are people next door, I don't mind being heard by them, but you—"

He deliberately paused, and focused on Jing Ge's blushing face with embarrassment.

Jing Ge bit her lower lip and grabbed the skirt of his clothes with both hands.

After thinking about it, he stopped.

But before he took his hand away, he pinched Bai Yeling's chest muscles hard, using three points of strength, but Bai Yeling only regarded it as a tickle.

There was a happy smile on his lips, and he never even frowned.

Seeing his happy and doting smile, Jing Ge only felt warm in her heart - she has memories of three lifetimes, but she has never had such a warm moment.

In the present world, although the old man who raised her was also very kind to her, that kind of kindness was different from the present one.

In the previous life, she was an orphan in a different world. From the beginning, she escaped everywhere and survived with difficulty. Later, she continued to practice and became the strongest witch.

In the end, he was betrayed by the white-eyed wolf...

Most of the time, she was alone, fighting alone.

Fortunately, she did not give up. In this life, she finally gained a large group of friends.

Most importantly, she has him.

Bai Yeling noticed that her attitude was softening, as if she didn't repel him so much anymore.

Untie her clothes, put her in a wooden bucket filled with hot water, and brush her back...

After a series of movements, there was no resistance, Bai Yeling seemed to be encouraged, and the movements became bigger and bigger——

Going down quietly, going deep into a certain place...

After a stick of incense, Jing Ge's whole body was limp in Bai Yeling's embrace, with dense drops of water dripping from his nose, it was hard to tell whether it was sweat or water from steam.

She leaned against Bai Yeling's arms, panting heavily.

Eyebrows flushed.

His voice was like a sugar in his mouth, soft and sweet.

"You... took advantage of the situation."

Bai Yeling bit her accusing finger, raised the corners of his lips, looked at her and said, "I'm obviously upright."

A word out.

Jing Ge was completely defeated by his shamelessness.

Later, he was still understanding that her body had not fully recovered, and just borrowed her hand... Finally, the two embraced and fell asleep.

Sleeping soundly, Jing Ge had another dream. In the dream, there was a man who loved her deeply, and she also loved him deeply, but she couldn't see his face clearly.

She really wanted to see clearly, and tried very hard to see clearly, but finally she woke up, and she couldn't see the true face of the man she loved deeply in her dream.

Only this time, after waking up, she remembered the dream she had had.

Lying on the bed, the tip of his nose touched his strong muscles, and his breath was full of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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