First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1072 Spicy Eyes

Chapter 1072 Spicy Eyes

The Nine-Winged Demon Dragon was slapped as a dragon unexpectedly, and swallowed all the curse words reservedly, and said happily: "Ahem, do you really think so?"

You can also cough a few times to clear your throat.

If it wasn't for its thick skin, Jing Ge's blush could be clearly seen from Jing Ge's position at the moment.


Jing Ge nodded vigorously, expressing his agreement.

"Okay, since you said that, then I will reluctantly give you a ride, but only this time, it's not an example." Nine Winged Demon Dragon's tone revealed a sense of happiness.

Bai Yeling looked at Jing Ge in surprise.

Sometimes even he couldn't make him obedient to this magic dragon. Unexpectedly, Ge'er just said a few words to him casually, and this magic dragon obediently became a mount.

Bai Yeling's eyes fell on Yanhuang next to him, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

A thought flashed through my mind.

Could it be that she is naturally attractive to all beasts?
Ordinary people would never see an ancient beast once in a lifetime, but she not only saw it, but also contracted it, not only that, but also contracted two ancient mountain hands.

When he first moved into the National Teacher's Mansion, he knew about the existence of Qinglong. In other words, it was because of the existence of Qinglong that he built the National Teacher's Mansion there.

It's just that he didn't expect that after he moved in, he could only see Qinglong occasionally, but he couldn't wake him up.

But it never occurred to him that Ge'er felt a sympathy for Qinglong as soon as he moved in, and even contracted Qinglong with ease.

One time can be said to be an accident, and she can be said to be lucky if she can contract an ancient beast, but what if it is two?

Then it is definitely not good luck that can explain it clearly.

She may really have the ability to attract beasts, but this ability is not even clear to her.

With his arms around Ge'er's waist, Bai Yeling jumped onto the back of the nine-winged dragon, and Yanhuang followed suit.

But he disliked being blinded by following the two of them, so he deliberately chose a farther position.

Three days later, it was named Snow Mountain City.

The famous Snow Mountain City is named after the name of the snow mountain. It is winter all year round, 360 days a day, and it snows every day. The whole city is covered with snow.

Before getting close, Jing Ge saw a snow city below in the sky.

The cold air in the sky, hula la, blowing past her, made her shiver.

Bai Yeling noticed that she was feeling cold, so he immediately took off his coat and put it on her body, covered her face with his hands, and rubbed it vigorously a few times to ensure that the temperature of her face rose slowly.

In the end, he hugged her preciously with both hands, put them in his mouth and let out steam.

Such a scene of dog abuse made Yanhuang in the back very unhappy watching, and called hot eyes.

After hearing Yanhuang's words, Bai Yeling remained unmoved.

When it was three floors away from Mingxue Mountain City, Bai Yeling directly hugged Ge'er, and jumped down from the sky in the form of a princess hug.

The two found an open place and jumped down, but it didn't attract too many people's attention.

Seeing the turning point, Yanhuang quickly jumped down from above.

The moment he took off, the nine-winged dragon disappeared instantly due to the cold, and returned to Bai Yeling.

Bai Yeling patted the jade pendant on his waist lightly and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Hmph." The Nine Winged Demon Dragon snorted arrogantly.

"Huh, it's so cold, let's find a place to change first, it's really too cold here." Jing Ge rubbed her ears and stomped her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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