Chapter 1102 Doubt

Jing Ge waited left and right in the room, but couldn't wait for Bai Yeling to come back. Although his face was calm, his heart was still a little flustered.

Didn't come back so late, could it be that you are still angry?
But if he didn't come back, she wanted to apologize, but she couldn't.

Jing Ge walked up and down in the yard, looking at the door every now and then.


Jing Ge yelled, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard, planning to go out and look for Bai Yeling.

As soon as he walked to the door, he collided with the shadow coming in, and his nose became acidic.

Looking up, he saw Bai Yeling.


"It hurts?" Bai Yeling saw her covering her nose, and stretched out her hand to touch it, "Be careful."

"If you want to take care of it, no one will feel bad if it breaks anyway."

"It's true that no one loves her, but someone loves her." Bai Yeling saw that she was really not in pain, and when he stretched out his hand, he pinched her face.

The skin that was as soft and smooth as silk was pinched with a light red mark by his fingers.

He is not human.

"Here you are." Bai Yeling stuffed the beautiful bag of candy into her hands.

Jing Ge opened it curiously, and saw the familiar candy wrapper inside, her eyes were slightly moist, "You, did you buy it?"

"Do you like it?" Bai Yeling stared at her big beautiful eyes, and saw the sea of ​​stars in her eyes.

"I like it." Jing Ge smiled slightly.

The next moment, a white title deed was handed over to Jing Gezhong, "For you."

Jing Ge opened it and found that the address on it seemed to be the title deed of the candy store that Jing Di wanted to eat today.

"How did you get it?" She remembered that the boss said that the store was an ancestral store and would never sell it.

How did Bai Yeling get it?

Jing Ge looked at Bai Yeling disapprovingly, his eyes darkened, and he grabbed his thick arm nervously, and said anxiously: "You don't mean to coerce someone to transfer the points to you, do you? You didn't hurt him, did you?"

It's no wonder she thought too much, with Bai Yeling's own strength and the power behind it, it was too easy to coerce the owner of a small candy shop to transfer the shop to him.

Bai Yeling raised his eyebrows, and a trace of suspected hurt flashed in his eyes.

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?" It took him a lot of effort to get the land deed. He thought that after getting it back, she would be happy and would praise him a few words.

As a result, the first sentence she uttered was not a compliment, but a question.

If it was an ordinary person or a stranger who questioned him, he wouldn't feel that much, but everyone in the world can disbelieve him and question him, except Jing Ge.

He wanted to be good to her with all his heart and soul.

Turns out she never showed 100% trust in him.

"You, really not? Then why did you get the title deed of this store?" She remembered that during the day, the boss's attitude was very firm, and he didn't seem to be easily persuaded.

Because of this, she had to suspect that Bai Yeling used power to coerce others.

If so, she would rather not have that store.

Once, when she was still alive, the grandfather who picked her up and raised her was once coerced.

Under the suppression of power, grandpa had to give up a medical clinic passed down from his ancestors.

After the hospital was pulled down, Grandpa stood in front of the pile of ruins and cried for a whole day and night, almost blinded by crying.

At that time, Jing Ge hid behind a tree not far away, guarding the crying grandfather for a whole day.

She even thought about it countless times, when she became famous, rich and powerful, she would punish all those who bullied their grandparents to death——

(End of this chapter)

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