First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1106 Eyes narrowed dangerously

Chapter 1106 Eyes narrowed dangerously

Jing Ge hid under the blanket, rolled over a few times blushing, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had cried so hard.

In the evening, I couldn't help but cry.

In addition, he had been worrying for a long time, and now he finally relaxed, and Jing Ge quickly fell into a deep sleep.

After having a sweet dream all night, Jing Ge woke up early in the morning and opened her eyes to welcome the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

After washing up, Jing Ge immediately went to the designated place.

By the time she got to the training ground, the rest of the people were already ready.

"The physical fitness test this time is very simple. I have a catalog form here. There are many items written on it. The bonus points for each item are different. The more items you complete, the higher the score you get. The score line for passing the test will be higher. It will be announced after all testing is complete."

The reason why she chose to do this was because she felt that if the passing score line was announced in advance, some people would take the fluke and stop taking the test after passing the test.

In this test, Jing Ge didn't just want to see them pass, but also wanted to see where their limits were.

After everyone has surpassed her limit, she can arrange the next stage of training according to the different levels of different people.

Half the morning passed, and most of the people were already lying on the ground, sweating profusely and unable to move.

Jing Ge was wearing men's clothing today, and she was very agile. She walked over, stepped on each of them, and kicked one of them up: "How many points?"

"Back to the princess, 150 points."

"Too few, there are still many projects in the future, so stick to it."

Jing Ge had a straight face, and when she was not smiling, she was full of majesty, with an aura of superiority, which made it difficult for people to muster up the courage to refuse her words.

"Yes Yes."

After being inspired by her, the guy who seemed to be dying got up again, and staggered to participate in the test of the next project.

Bai Yeling walked to Jing Ge's side, saw the sweat on her face, immediately took out a clean small white handkerchief, and wiped the sweat off her face.

Pass me another bottle of water.

Jing Ge took it, felt that the water was cold, turned her head to take a look, and happened to see the aura still remaining in Bai Yeling's palm.

Ice system skills.

This guy is really caring.

"You have been by my side for such a long time, is it really okay if you don't go back to the Demon Race to see?"

Jing Ge suddenly asked.

"What? Want to drive me away so soon?" Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her dangerously.

Jing Ge quickly waved his hand and said: "No, of course not, I am naturally happy that you are helping me by my side, but you are the master of a world after all, and you shoulder the prosperity of the entire demon world. All right."

"Don't worry, if something happens, they will find a way to notify me." Bai Yeling folded the handkerchief that wiped the sweat from her forehead, and put it on the sleeve to hide it.

"Here, I'll go over there and have a look." Jing Ge handed the half-drunk water glass to Bai Yeling, and walked over to a guy who was doing extreme sit-ups not far away.

"The posture is wrong, the waist needs to be exerted like this, try again..."

Jing Ge lifted the hem of his clothes, squatted down, and directed his movements to the guy lying on the ground.

Bai Yeling's eyes followed her all the time, without shifting the whole time.

When he saw Jing Ge's fingers touching the man's arm, Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes dangerously.

(End of this chapter)

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