First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1108 I'm Not a Devil

Chapter 1108 I'm Not a Devil
"This subordinate obeys orders, and this subordinate will definitely try its best to find the woman who is destined to be Queen Feng, so as to help our Jinzi Kingdom to a higher level as soon as possible."

If you win the Phoenix's life, you can win the world.

Well-known fortune tellers from all over the world have come to the same result.

These people rushed to Tianlan City one after another, with the purpose of finding the Empress Feng first, bringing her back to their home country, and completing the great cause of unifying Kyushu.

However, everyone rushed to nothing.

Everyone who came to Tianlan City according to divination encountered the same problem. They could clearly feel that the woman was in Tianlan City, but they couldn't divination to the exact location, and they couldn't see who she really was.

Can only rely on guesswork.

I can only roughly know that the woman is still young, but there are too many women in Tianlan City who meet this condition. Since the fortune tellers entered Tianlan City, their divination ability has been hindered by an invisible layer. There is a cloud of fog that cannot be broken.

These people are racking their brains, wanting to be the first to find the Queen Feng.

the other side.

"Your Highness."

"Father sent a letter, asking how our progress is, but you can't even find a person now, how do you want His Highness to reply to Father's letter?" Zhou Jiexiu looked angry.

"Your Highness, in Tianlan City Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there is a divination master behind the scenes. Now all of us can't find the whereabouts of the Fenghou woman. Your Highness needs to give you some more time. You must hurry up. Find out the whereabouts of the woman before everyone else, and make a great contribution to His Highness." The middle-aged man Liu Zhi said.

"Since you can't find the person you're looking for, then find out the person behind the scenes. Your Highness wants to see who can be Liu Zhi, the number one fortune teller in Zhou Kingdom!" Zhou Jiexiu had a look on his face. ferocious breath.

He failed to find anyone for several days, and the urging in Zhou Wang's letter made him extremely upset.

"Your subordinate will go right away." Liu Zhi sensed that Zhou Jiexiu was getting angry, and was worried that his master would take his anger on him, so he immediately prepared to retreat.

At this time, no matter how much dissatisfaction Zhou Jiexiu had, he knew that without Liu Zhi, he could do nothing, and even if he got angry again, he could only endure it temporarily.

"Go on, I'll give you half a month, if there is no result, you don't need to keep your head."

Hearing this, Liu Zhi trembled with fear.

Almost trembling, he knelt down on the ground.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead in shock.

"Go away?" Zhou Jiexiu growled.

Liu Zhi turned around quickly, and left the room as if fleeing.

White Pigeon Mansion.

"The above is the list of passers this time. Those who pass will be assigned to a class for training in the future, and those who fail will be divided into a class. The pass class will be in charge of Chu Xiaojie and Zhang Yue, and those who fail will be assigned to Li Chen and Li Gui." What's the point of being responsible? If not, go back to wash and sleep, and I'll give you half a day's rest in the afternoon, arrange it as you like."

"Wow, long live the princess!"

"Long live!"

"Wait, I haven't spoken yet."

Hearing Jing Ge's words, the excited expressions on his face suddenly froze, and he stared at her nervously and continued to finish speaking.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a devil." Jing Ge glanced at the changes in their expressions, smiled, and continued: "There will be a banquet tonight, everyone can eat, drink and have fun."

"Oye, Princess Yunge is the best!"

"Thank you princess for the reward!"

"Banquet, hahaha, I can eat meat again tonight, it's so cool."

(End of this chapter)

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