First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1123 I am not a bad person

Chapter 1123 I am not a bad person

With such determination, Li Yichen, in order to be safe, asked Eunuch Zhang to send someone to investigate first. The purpose was the same as that of Zhou Jiexiu, to find out the true identities of the three women in Baige Mansion.

In order not to confuse the target by yourself, and startle the snake, the gain outweighs the loss in the end.

The results of fortune tellers are generally infallible, and now it's not just the fortune tellers of their own country who have predicted the fate of the Phoenix Empress woman, the fortune tellers of all major countries in the four directions have come to the same result.

One may be wrong, and two may be wrong. If everyone's divination results are the same, it cannot be wrong.

In the White Pigeon Mansion, there is the Empress Feng, and all of them, no matter who they are, as long as they get the Empress Feng, they can gain the world, unify Kyushu, and make the world peaceful.

This is the final result of divination.

It is also the fuse that attracts all forces to flock to it.

If the former Tianlan City was a terrible besieged city, then the current Tianlan City is a dangerous city full of dangers.

A slight disturbance will attract everyone's attention.

It may also make them miss the possibility of getting the Queen Phoenix woman.

So be careful with everything you do.

This hanging breath can only be relieved if he really gets the woman and brings her back to his country safely.

Li Yichen instructed them a few words, and asked them to start their investigation with a woman named Jing Ge.

His sixth sense told her that if there really was a woman named Empress Feng in the White Pigeon's mansion, it was most likely Jing Ge.

Li Yichen couldn't hold back his excitement.

Not long after the servants left, he also discredited himself and left the inn.

He flew to the eaves of Baige's mansion.

He didn't know where Jing Ge lived, so he could only rely on luck.

I hope I will be lucky enough to meet that strange woman.

However, fate seems to be completely against him.

Not long after Li Yichen came in, it can also be said that when he accidentally stepped on the slippery eaves and fell from it, he ran into a little werewolf.

Langming was sharpening his claws.

So the half-orc status was restored.

Holding a special custom-made log, grinding nails in the flower bed.

Then suddenly a person fell from the sky, out of curiosity, Lang Ming quietly moved over and took a look at that person.

Saw an unfamiliar face.

Wolf's nose moved.

Unfamiliar breath.

Lang Ming immediately bounced back, landed on the ground with his forelegs, grabbed the ground, grinned, and stared at Li Yichen fiercely, looking ready to go, as if he might jump over at any time and bite his neck off.

Li Yichen fell to his neck and felt a stiff neck.

He tilted his head and looked at Lang Ming who was not far away, his eyes were full of shock.

There is actually a half-orc living here.

This kid has green eyes. Judging by the hair on his body, the breed is not simple.

"Hush, don't get excited, I'm not a bad person." Li Yichen was glad that he still had candy in his pocket, he took out the candy and handed it to Langming.

Although half-orcs have as sensitive noses as beasts, because of their mixed blood, their IQs are generally low.

Li Yichen thought that he would be able to trick the kid into letting him go by using candies.

But he underestimated Lang Ming's IQ.

Or maybe they underestimated Jing Ge's strength.

Langming came out of the forest to society.

Jing Ge taught him everything from talking and walking to eating and every move.

(End of this chapter)

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