Chapter 1132

"What do you want to hear from me?" Jing Ge asked him, blinking her big eyes.

His eyes sparkled.

"What do you think?" Bai Yeling threw back the answer to Jing Ge again.

Jing Ge looked at him, felt the unusual aura on his body today, swallowed nervously, and said, "Then what do you think of me?"

This guy actually wants to settle accounts after Qiuhou!

So stingy.

Bai Yeling seemed to have heard what was in her heart.

He pinched her chin, raised her face, and said, "You should know what I want."

Jing Ge was forced to raise her face, and the moment her eyes met, she understood the answer from Bai Yeling's eyes.

Cheeks start to flush.

"Yanhuang and Qinglong are still here, don't mess around." Jing Ge reminded him to pay attention to the occasion at the beginning.

As a result, Bai Yeling just smiled with his lips curled up, and raised his hand, and Yanhuang and Qinglong behind him disappeared into the air at the same time.

After a while, there were only the two of them left in the entire room.

Jing Ge blinked, and Bai Yeling looked at me and I looked at you. After a long time, she found her voice and asked, "Where did you leave them?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely a safe place." Bai Yeling said.

Then he stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Jing Ge's waist, and said, "Don't you want to know what I want to do now?"

Jing Ge shook his head frantically, expressing that he absolutely didn't want to know.

At this moment, seeing the teasing and familiar trembling in Bai Yeling's eyes, even if she used her toes to think, she knew exactly what Bai Yeling wanted to do.

Jing Ge placed both hands on Bai Yeling's chest, and gently pushed the person away with his hands.

"It's still early, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, I'm going first, I'll go out first..."

She pushed Bai Yeling away, turned around and hurried towards the door.

After Qinglong regained his strength, Jing Ge had another powerful general by his side.

Under her hard guidance, the Guisha Corps has made rapid progress. In just one year, the speed of strength improvement is five times that of ordinary people, which can be said to be quite amazing.

"Sister." Seeing her coming in, Jing Di let go of the nanny excitedly, ran towards Jing Ge, opened her hands, and threw herself directly into her arms.

Jing Ge hugged him firmly, then picked him up, and kissed each other on his chubby face.

"Brother, do you miss Grandpa and Uncle?" Jing Ge asked.

When Jing Di heard the names of grandpa and little uncle, she nodded excitedly and said, "I think, sister, when can we see grandpa? I miss grandpa so much."

Jing Ge touched Jing Di's head, and saw that the nanny had just prepared the bath water for Jing Di to bathe in.

She walked over and waved to the nanny to let her come.

Seeing this, the nanny stood by the side, waiting to help.

Jing Di is very cute in Jing Ge's arms.

Raise your hand when you raise your hand, raise your leg when you raise your leg, and close your eyes when you close your eyes.

Jing Ge bathed him quite smoothly.

Jing Di soaked in the water, looked at her, blinked her innocent and round eyes, and said, "Sister, will you give Jing Di a bath tomorrow?"

He likes to be close to his sister, every time he can get close to his sister, Jing Di will be very excited, and his laughter is better than usual.

"Do you still want my sister to help me take a bath tomorrow?" Jing Ge asked, flushing the bubbles off Jing Di's head.

Jing Di nodded vigorously, and said: "I like it, I like my sister to help take a bath, my sister washes her hair very comfortably."

"Since Jing Di likes it, my sister will help Jing Di wash it tomorrow, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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