First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1135 The corners of the mouth are almost crooked

Chapter 1135 The corners of the mouth are almost crooked

It was so much fun.

Jing Ge played with a little love.

She thought that Bai Yeling also had an excellent pair of eyelashes, thick and dark, with a little natural curl.

Let his eyes look as if they are naturally carrying electricity, and a random look can easily fascinate people.

When Jing Ge was distracted, Jing Di held her arm tightly with both hands and fell into a deep sleep.

Feeling the little guy's steady breathing, Jing Ge quickly fell into sleep.

The two siblings slept until dawn without dreams.

Jing Ge woke up earlier than Jing Di.

She wanted to get up habitually, but last night Jing Di's actions suddenly jumped out of her mind, and she thought of Jing Di's constant worry that she would leave.

Thinking that if she leaves now, when Jing Di wakes up, she might think that she left early last night.

She also promised Jing Di last night that she would not leave.

It would be bad if he left at this time and was misunderstood by Jing Di.

After thinking about it, Jing Ge decided to continue to close her eyes and doze off, waiting for Jing Di to wake up.

I don't know if it's because of the nervous tension these days. Jing Ge originally planned to close her eyes and wait for Jing Di to wake up, but she fell asleep again not long after.

Accidentally made up for a return to the cage.

When she woke up again, she met Jing Di's big round black eyes as soon as she opened her eyes.

The little guy looked curious, and looked at his sister cutely and cutely.

After seeing her open her eyes, Jing Di opened her beautiful big eyes and said, "Good morning, sister."

The soft and waxy voice makes people feel happy.

Jing Ge was not surprised, she was stunned by the little guy's cute voice.

Gou Lip smiled softly, touched Jing Di's head, and said, "Good morning, brother."

"Hey, I'm so happy." Jing Di turned over and lay on Jing Ge's belly, smiling and said, "My sister really didn't leave."

Jing Ge rubbed Jing Di's ears, thinking that Jing Di was kidnapped and taken away for a long time because of her orc blood.

I don't know if my younger brother will really inherit the half-orc blood. If so, when will the younger brother's half-beast characteristics appear?
Jing Di didn't know what Jing Ge was thinking, she just looked at Jing Ge happily, with excited smiles on her brows and eyes.

"Sister, I'm hungry and want fried noodles."

Jing Di's stomach suddenly growled.

The little guy rubbed his stomach shyly, and ordered the dish he wanted to eat the most.

"Just want to eat fried noodles? Would you like to add an egg and some beef?" Jing Ge hugged Jing Di and rolled over to get up, and then helped Jing Di change all the clothes on her body in a smooth manner.

Jing Di looked at her, then smiled and said: "If you want to eat, sister, can I have two eggs?"

Jing Ge smiled, "Of course."

"Oh, that's great, my sister is the best." Jing Di excitedly kissed her on the cheek.

Looking at such a cute younger brother, Jing Ge felt at this moment that her younger brother is really still young, he is only two years old, and she should spend more time growing up with him.

Jing Ge did what he said.

After having breakfast with Jing Di, he went back to his room, packed his things, and then came to Jing Di's room, planning to spend the next period of time with Jing Di.

When Jing Di saw her bring her luggage, and heard that tonight and tomorrow night, and so on, she could be with her sister, the corner of the little guy's mouth was almost crooked in excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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