First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1145 Why Are You Counting On Me?

Chapter 1145 Why Are You Counting On Me?

So who the hell wants to attack her?

Want to drug her?

Such clumsy methods are really shameful.

What made her most angry was that these people actually knew about the relationship between her and the master, and they also investigated the master's taste clearly. I am afraid that there are people with evil intentions around the master.

Jing Ge's mind was spinning rapidly, there was hardly any abnormal expression on his face, and he was still thinking blankly, which was no different from the previous performance.

So the bearded man didn't notice either, she had already noticed something was wrong.

This man must have planned all of today's events for a long time, even so long that he investigated many things around her, big and small, but Jing Ge didn't know how far they knew.

Will it harm the people she cherishes?

Thinking of this, Jing Ge suddenly opened his mouth and drank the tea.

Drink it all in one gulp.

Then she put down the cup and looked up to see the bearded man's triumphant expression. She closed her eyes and fell down on the table.

"The effect of the medicine has taken effect." The bearded man walked over excitedly, took a closer look, and after confirming that she had really fainted, he walked out happily, went to the next room and knocked on the door.

A normal-looking man opened the door and walked out.

"Successful?" He asked the bearded man.

The bearded man excitedly said: "I got it, it's in the next room, young master, go in, the medicine can stun a fierce beast, so the woman won't wake up until tomorrow morning."

"Well done." The man patted the bearded man on the shoulder and gave him a bag of silver as a reward.

"Young Master Xie, praise." The bearded man took the reward, watched the man enter the next room, and after closing the door, he excitedly opened the bag, took out a silver coin, and bit it.

Then she happily walked to the next room and stood outside the door.

Not long after, two more men came and guarded the door with him.

inside the door.

When the man saw the sleeping figure, he rubbed his hands salivatingly, then walked over quickly, turned to another direction, and saw Jing Ge's face.


It's so beautiful.

There would be such a stunning woman in the world. Those beauties he had seen before, compared with the woman in front of him, all became ordinary people.

"It's so beautiful." The man stretched out his hand, and stretched his fingers towards Jing Ge's face.

Just when his fingers were about to touch Jing Ge's face, his closed eyes suddenly opened. Jing Ge glanced at the man coldly, and then quickly grabbed the finger that the man stretched out.

Twist hard.

"Ah." The man let out a scream.

As soon as the screams came out, Jing Ge quickly grabbed the tablecloth on the table, covered it with his hands, and covered the man's mouth.

"Woo." The man wanted to struggle.

But Jing Ge's speed was very fast, he turned around, twisted the man's hands behind his back, and quickly pinned him down.

The knee rested on the man's back waist, making a posture ready to attack at any time.

"Who are you? Why did you drug me?" When Jing Ge spoke, a cold light burst in his eyes.

It was cold and penetrating.

"Woo." The man's mouth was covered and he was unable to speak.

Jing Ge took out the dagger and pressed it against the man's neck, then slowly let go of the hand covering the man's mouth, and said, "You better be sensible, if you dare to bark at will, I can assure you that you won't lose your temper in the future." Before they open the door, this dagger will be in your neck."

The cold light reflected on the dagger made the man swallow nervously, his legs and feet trembling in fear.

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(End of this chapter)

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