First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1167 Looks Delicious

Chapter 1167 Looks Very Delicious
Before revenge, it was the belief in revenge that kept her alive.

But after the revenge, there is only guilt for the child left.

If it wasn't for Lang Ming distracting her attention, she might have been overwhelmed by this strong sense of guilt long ago.

"I won't take him away from you, I just hope to stay with you." Jun Jiuxin saw the sadness in her eyes.

All the hostility went dormant in an instant, replaced by love and pity for her.

The sadness in her eyes revealed her past. Although she couldn't see clearly, it must be a sad story.

Jun Jiuxin was defeated.

He was defeated by the woman's slightly red eye circles.

Seeing her suffering, it was like a knife had been cut in my heart, it was very uncomfortable.

"Really? What you said is true?" Hao Xingyue's tears suddenly fell like pearls with a broken thread.

Jun Jiuxin felt distressed, hugged her waist, pulled her into his arms, pinched her chin, looked at the tears on her face and the sadness in her eyes.

He said distressedly: "Okay, don't cry, your eyes are swollen from crying, the one who should feel distressed is me."

Jun Jiuxin wiped her tears with his hands, dried them, and looked at her face with distressed brows.

"If your past is painful, just bury it. I will participate in your life in the future. I will never let you fall into the abyss of pain again. I will make you live like a dream every day." as happy as ever.”

Jun Jiuxin couldn't wipe the tears off her face, "Don't cry, okay?"

The comforting words made Hao Xingyue cry more and more.

Hao Xingyue lay in his arms, crying into tears.

She never knew that she could have so many tears.

Almost wet Jun Jiuxin's skirt.

As if she wanted to shed all the tears that she hadn't cried in the past so many years at once, Hao Xingyue cried for a long, long time at this moment.

By the end of the crying, her voice was hoarse.

Jun Jiuxin comforted her for a while, then calmed down.

He hugged her tightly, let her cry in his arms, and wiped his tears with his clothes as a towel.

It wasn't until Hao Xingyue was tired from crying and fell into her arms that Jun Jiuxin took out a towel and wiped her face quietly.

"Are you comfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, you can continue to cry. When you go back at night, I will get you some ice cubes."

"Don't think that I will forgive you for deceiving me. I won't forgive you so easily." Hao Xingyue sniffed.

The voice of the voice was crying, which made people feel more distressed.

"I know, but it's okay, the days ahead are still long, as long as I don't give up, you will forgive me one day." Jun Jiuxin said confidently.

He has full confidence in his own charm.

In particular, he also has a son who can be assisted by God.

Jun Jiuxin is now very grateful to God for giving him a cheap son.

Because this son is deeply loved by his sweetheart, and even better than him.

He can sleep with his sweetheart every day, and he is very envious when he thinks about it.

However, because of the existence of this son, there was no way to break things up between Hao Xingyue and him.

"You stinky rascal." Hao Xingyue said angrily.

"If I'm not a hooligan, how can I chase you?" Jun Jiuxin was no longer angry when he was called a hooligan.

Seeing Hao Xingyue softening her attitude, she felt itchy in her heart.

Especially after Hao Xingyue cried, her face was flushed, the tip of her nose was red, the corners of her eyes were also red, and the tips of her ears were also red.

It looks very delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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