First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1201 Don't You Think This Question Is A Little Redundant?

Chapter 1201 Don't You Think This Question Is A Little Redundant?
It is even possible that everyone in the camp was recruited and fell into a deep sleep.

Was it a human, a monster, or a half-orc who drugged them?
When Jing Ge opened his eyes, he found that everything around him had changed. This was a cave, not the place where they camped before.

Jing Ge moved his limbs and found that his whole body was still limp.

She is now lying on a stone bed with soft animal skins under her body. It seems that the person who hijacked her may not have any malicious intentions towards her. Otherwise, she should have tied her up and thrown her directly in a corner. Let her sleep in such a soft and comfortable bed.

Jing Ge looked around again and again, but did not see anyone.

But there are passages in the front and back, and I can't tell for a while, which is the exit.

There was no rope on her body, and it seemed that the person who kidnapped her was not even worried that she would escape.

Is this a maze?

Curious in her heart, Jing Ge got out of bed and put on her shoes, went to the openings on both sides to feel the flow of the wind, then chose a direction where the wind was stronger, and strode forward.

Just a few steps away.

She heard hurried footsteps.

Not long after, a black snake appeared in front of her eyes, spitting snake letters, almost frightened Jing Ge to squat on the ground.

She is not afraid of anything, but she is a little afraid of snakes, and this snake is not as big as usual.

Thicker than her waist.

The bloody mouth opened wide enough to swallow her whole.

"Ah Hei, don't be scary."

A man came out from behind the black snake, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, looking very handsome.

There was no smile on this man's face, and when he looked at Jing Ge, there was a trace of guard in it.

After a long time, when Jing Ge felt that his back was about to ache from standing, the man suddenly said, "Are you awake?"

Jing Ge: "..." Don't you think this question is a bit redundant?
She has been standing here for such a long time, and she still asks if she is awake.

It's just—

"I have no malice towards you, don't get me wrong, I just want to warn you, take your people and get out of here as soon as possible." When the man said this, his expression looked very excited.

"There are too many of you, and the man next to you is too fierce. I can't get close to you, so I can only arrest you. Don't be angry. I didn't do anything to you. The medicine just allows you to sleep peacefully. , there will be no side effects, you can rest assured.

Now, I can let you go, but after you go back, you must take your people and leave, otherwise what happens next will definitely be something you don't want to see.

For the safety of you and your people, I advise you to leave quickly. "

"Why do you want me to leave here? What is there? Where are the people who came in before? Are you driving those beasts? Do you know how to use beast control?"

Jing Ge asked several questions at once.

The man frowned with a headache, and didn't seem to want to answer her question very much.

"You have been questioned so much, listen to my advice, you are still in a safe zone, if you get out now, you can still get out of your body, and if you go inside again, I can't guarantee that you can get out alive."

"What about you? Why don't you go out? Why do you stay here?"

The man shook his head and said, "Of course I have reasons why I can't go out. Don't ask, I won't tell you. That's all I can say."

(End of this chapter)

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