Chapter 1206 Illusions
"So, that guy named Zach is a good guy?" Li Gui asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, he's a nice guy with a very kind heart."

Then why didn't he save those people before?Is it possible that those people were actually eaten by him before, but he saw that we suddenly had so many people and was worried that he couldn't deal with us, so he made up an excuse and wanted us to leave Feng Lin? "Li Chen asked his own question from the side.

"I can't give you a guaranteed answer on this point, but I choose to believe in Zach. He said that if we go further, we will enter the territory of the Charm.

Charming Demon is actually a toad spirit. During the cultivation process, she needs to eat a lot of mosquitoes. He catches humans and uses them as food for her. The method is very cruel.

Zach said that we are going forward this time, and there are many dangers. No one who went in front came out. It can be seen that the danger is quite high. I am here to give you a chance to choose, follow me forward, or retreat?Those who advance are still my subordinates, and those who retreat, you will consciously leave the Guisha Corps after you go back.

My subordinates don't need people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. "

Jing Ge spoke sonorously and forcefully.

The people in the Guisha Corps were full of fighting spirit. They all raised their weapons and said loudly: "We will not back down, we will advance and retreat with the princess."

"Very good." Jing Ge looked at everyone with satisfaction, and said: "This time is dangerous, everyone must not take it lightly, you must be cautious and careful, do you understand?"

"Understood, everything is under the arrangement of the princess."

Jing Ge was very satisfied that none of them flinched.

Seeing that it was still early, he didn't stop and led them forward.

Another day and night.

The surrounding environment began to change.

Jing Ge faintly smelled an unusual feeling, and she reminded everyone to pay attention to safety.

As a result, as soon as she turned her head, she found that everyone behind her was gone, and she was the only one left.

The dense fog around her began to continuously gather towards her, instantly enveloping her in it.

Jing Ge looked around, frowning.

It is impossible for people to disappear out of thin air.

Just then, she heard a voice calling her from far away.

That was Bai Yeling's voice, Jing Ge ran over quickly without any hesitation.

The dense fog was too thick, and I couldn't find Baiyeling after searching for a long time. In a hurry, Jing Ge wanted to use the inside to disperse the dense fog here, but the more I drove it away, the thicker it seemed.

As a last resort, she had no choice but to give up this plan and continue running towards the source of the sound.

Obviously the voice sounded nearby, but she ran for a long time, and the voice never seemed to get any closer.

The more Jing Ge thought about it, the more strange she felt, so she simply stopped.

Looking at the thick fog around him, he fell into deep thought.

At this time, she had already determined that the voice was not Bai Yeling himself, it was probably made by the Charming Monster to confuse her, and wanted to bring him into a certain area.

"Ge'er, where are you?" Bai Yeling's voice kept saying this.

Jing Ge did not answer.

The voice continued to imitate Bai Yeling's voice: "Ge'er, I'm here, come to me quickly, my foot was bitten by a wild animal, and it's bleeding, a lot of blood, come and help me stop the bleeding."

When Jing Ge heard this, he just laughed sarcastically.

It is absolutely impossible for Bai Yeling to be injured so easily, let alone say these words.

(End of this chapter)

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