First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1215 Bring him out 4

Chapter 1215 Bring him out 4
Seeing her red eyes, Bai Yeling's heart began to throb again.

I couldn't help but reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said distressedly: "Don't cry, seeing you cry makes my heart hurt too, I don't know why it happened."

"Look at my face, think about who I am?" Jing Ge held Bai Yeling's hands, put his hands on her face, and looked at him intently: "Look at my face, slowly To retrieve your memory, you and I met a long time ago. Do you still remember that you are Bai Ye, and you still have the appearance of Uncle Bai? You turned into a different person, stayed by my side, guarded me, and moved me— —”

Bai Yeling listened to her voice and looked at her intently without any movement.

Eyes didn't even blink.

It seemed as if he had followed her voice, searching for the memory that had been sealed away by him in the depths of memory.

"Remember who I am, I'm the person you love the most. You promised to protect me for the rest of your life. You can't keep your word, and you can't quit halfway, you know?"

At the end of Jing Ge's speech, he hugged Bai Yeling's waist and murmured in a low voice: "Come back to me."

After saying this, she suddenly fainted.

The whole person fell into Bai Yeling's arms.

Bai Yeling hugged her, desperately trying to wake her up, but no matter how hard he tried, she seemed to have lost her life suddenly, breathing weakly through her nose, and she couldn't feel the symbol of life in her whole body.

"No, no, don't do this." Huge panic swept over him, causing Bai Yeling to cry sadly.

Looking at her choked with sobs, "No, come back, come back to me, I will never drive you away again."

Jing Ge suddenly opened his eyes, and found that he had woken up from Bai Yeling's illusion.

She hastily turned to look at Bai Yeling, it was a pity that this person was still under the illusion, his eyes were closed tightly.

Jing Ge's heart throbbed, thinking that she had failed, and when she was about to blame herself, she suddenly saw tears streaming from the corners of Bai Yeling's eyes.

Jing Ge hugged Bai Yeling's arm and called Bai Yeling loudly, "Bai Yeling, Bai Yeling, wake up, wake up, I'm here, you can see me when you wake up."

Jing Ge held Bai Yeling in his arms, afraid that he might not hear him, so she leaned close to his ear, calling his name one after another.

"Bai Yeling, come back quickly, come back to my side."

Bai Yeling suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing Jing Ge's face, there was still a drop of tear rolling down his face at this moment.

Seeing him wake up, Jing Ge lowered her head excitedly and kissed him together.

The passionate and hot kiss expresses the lost and regained love between the two.

Bai Yeling also knew about the fact that he had fallen into the illusion, and even more about the fact that he had rejected Jing Ge again and again in the illusion. Thinking of this, the way he looked at Jing Ge felt a little guilty.

Worrying whether she would remember the heartless words he said in the illusion.

"Are you worried that I will be angry?" Jing Ge looked at him and suddenly asked.

Bai Yeling nodded, "Will you be angry?" He looked at Jing Ge expectantly, hoping that the other party would give him a negative answer.

Then Jing Ge said, "Yes, I'm angry now, but don't worry, before I clean up you, I have to get rid of the culprit, Mei Yao."

How dare to confuse her man.

He deserves death.

Jing Ge stood up and walked around, looking for the fascinated teammate.

Wake up the ones that are easy to wake up first.

"Go and wake up everyone around you." Jing Ge wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to the dozens of people who had already been woken up.

(End of this chapter)

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