First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1217 Looking for the Charm 2

Chapter 1217 Looking for the Charm 2
This cruel woman.

How can you be so cold when you have already had skin-to-skin contact with him?
Is he so unattractive to her?
Facing Hao Xingyue's indifference, Jun Jiuxin had to start to doubt his own charm.

"You're bullying. Last night, you secretly kissed Yueyue. Hmph, I saw it." Langming pointed at Jun Jiuxin with his plump fingers, with a proud expression on his face.

The little guy didn't know what he meant yet.

All he knew was that he had exposed the big villain, and he was happy in his heart.

Jun Jiuxin even had the idea of ​​eating him.

This bastard brat was really born to collect debts.

Jun Jiuxin's fierce look scared Lang Ming.

The little guy quickly shrank into Ge'er's arms, pointed at Jun Jiuxin, "Ge'er, he bullied me."

It's really distressing to keep your mouth shut and pretend to be wronged.

Hao Xingyue obviously heard what Lang Ming said just now.

He strode over and stared at Jun Jiuxin, "Did you sneak into my tent again last night?" The tone of questioning was quite strong.

Jun Jiuxin didn't care about the people around him staring at him, and he lost all face. He can be shameless now, but he must coax the people in front of him, otherwise life will be difficult in the future.

Jun Jiuxin walked over, reaching out to pull Hao Xingyue.

As a result, Hao Xingyue just touched Hao Xingyue's hand, and was immediately thrown away by Hao Xingyue, "You haven't explained what's going on? Lang Ming just said that you really sneaked into my tent last night?"

"Yueyue, I'm just worried about your safety, really, I didn't do anything."

"Oh, you didn't do anything? So you want to say that Lang Ming is lying?"

"I..." Jun Jiuxin was about to speak, but Lang Ming immediately interrupted, "Yueyue, I didn't have fun, I saw it last night, and then he covered his mouth to prevent me from waking you up."

Jun Jiuxin: "..."

"Ge'er, he's staring at me again."

Jing Ge pinched Lang Ming's little face, feeling very helpless for this little guy who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

However, whoever made Jun Jiuxin wrong first, and was teased by Lang Ming a few times, it was right.

"It's not good, after the first team went out, they haven't come back yet." Suddenly someone rushed over to report the news to Jing Ge.

"Where is the direction?" Jing Ge put Lang Ming down, and asked the panting man.

"Over there, they disappeared after going east for about five kilometers. We sent people to look for them, but no one was found. About ten people were missing."

"How many people have gone out to look for it?" Jing Ge's face turned serious.

"The second team was the closest to them. I came back to report the news, and there were nine people there." When they acted, ten people were divided into groups and worked together.

"You join the third team now, and go east with them to find people, we will go there soon." After Jing Ge finished speaking, she said to the rest of the people, "It is very likely that the Charm Monster has come out, but It's already very late now, and our actions will be restricted, so, except for the third team whose name was called just now, the rest of the people are standing by, and Bai Yeling and I will go search first."

"Princess, this is too dangerous, let us go." Li Chen said disapprovingly.

In the first team, there was his cousin Li Gui, and he was no less worried than the others.

Jing Ge shook his head, "No, you stay and organize everyone to spend tonight safely. If we haven't come back tomorrow morning, you can lead everyone to the east and join us."

(End of this chapter)

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