Chapter 1228 Hunting 1
"Thank you very much. If you weren't willing to take us in, these people might not have survived." Jing Ge sincerely thanked Zach.

Zach scratched his face in embarrassment, and said: "You're welcome, I'm actually quite happy to be able to save so many people, because I couldn't persuade anyone before, and I watched these people take risks, in fact, my heart Feeling very guilty.”

"You are really a very kind person." Jing Ge smiled and said to Zach.

Probably because Zach has not been in contact with too many people, and has nothing to do with those complicated human natures.

That's why he maintains the innocence and kindness like a child.

Such quality is the most commendable.

"Although I took you in, you still have to solve the problem of eating by yourself. I probably can't help you much." Zach scratched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed.

He felt a little useless.

Although he took him in, he seldom cooks food, so he is actually not very good at cooking.

Jing Ge shook his head and said with a smile: "You are really too polite. I am very grateful for providing us with a place to live. Don't worry, we will solve the problem of food by ourselves."

"That's good." Zach said. After he finished speaking, he took a half step, turned back, and said to Jing Ge, "I think you should have guessed it. I do know how to control beasts, but I hope you Don't let others know, if I let them know, I will not have a stable life in the future.

I actually don't like those days of fighting and killing outside. I just hope that I can always hide in this small world of my own and continue to live the life I like. "

"Don't worry, even if you don't mention it, I won't say these things casually. Among the patients here, almost all of them are here for animal control. People have ulterior motives. I can heal their bodies. But it can't heal their minds, so it's better not to take risks."

The two chatted for a while, and then went their separate ways.

They stayed at Zach's place for about five days, and when these people recovered slowly, Jing Ge offered to leave.

He was about to leave Feng Lin and return to Fengyue City.

Zach tried to hold him back again and again.

Jing Ge rejected Zach's kindness.

In the end, Zach gave Jing Ge a farewell gift.

He also told her not to open it on the road, but to return to Fengyue City, and open it when she was alone.

Jing Ge nodded. Although she was curious about this gift, she still respected Zach and didn't open it all the way.

All the way back to Fengyue City, back to Lin Mansion, to her room, when she was alone, Jing Ge opened the gift.

Inside is a book.

The cover of the book reads "The Art of Beast Control".

It's such a powerful thing.

Just, why would Zach give her such an important thing?

Aren't you afraid that she will leak it?
Or, Zach's original intention was to keep the beast control technique from breaking?
Want more people to learn?

But it's not right to think so, if Zach wanted more people to know, why didn't he just give the beast control technique to those who went to Fenglin to find the beast control technique?
Jing Ge couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Yanhuang and Qinglong appeared at the same time.

One sat on the table, dangling his calf.

One sat on a round stool nearby, resting his cheek, looking at Jing Ge leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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