First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1233 You can eat it, but it will be very sour

Chapter 1233 You can eat it, but it will be very sour
Lin Lansheng looked at the scattered hunters ahead, nodded and said, "Okay then, let's go this way."

The two began to embark on the road to find Jing Ge.

Jing Ge didn't know at all that her sneaky behavior would make her little uncle even lose interest in the hunt that he had been waiting for for so long.

She is currently exploring with Yanhuang and Qinglong. She doesn't know that a large number of people are frantically looking for her in the magic forest, including her little uncle and uncle Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Che and Lin Lansheng are brothers who have been worshiped before, so Jing Ge should also call him Uncle Xuanyuan in terms of honorific title.

Yanhuang jumped down from the tree, holding a bunch of wild fruits in his arms, he ran to Jing Ge with the wild fruits in his arms, "Stupid woman, quickly see if these fruits are edible."

At the beginning, Yanhuang didn't trust Jing Ge, he only believed in his sixth sense, and then again, he ate an inedible fruit and had diarrhea for three days.

From then on, I no longer dared to eat casually by myself. Before I started eating, I would tell Geer first and ask her if she could eat. If she got an affirmative answer, I would open my mouth to eat it. He will throw away the answer that he can't eat it very decisively.

Even though the food exudes a tempting aroma, he dare not eat casually when he thinks that he has been in a latrine for three days.

Jing Ge took the wild fruit and smelled it, "You can eat it, eat it, but..."

When Yanhuang heard that it was edible, she immediately stuffed the wild fruit into her mouth. Just as she bit her teeth down, she heard Jing Ge say that it was too bad...

He was so frightened that he quickly took out the wild fruit and held it in his hands, not daring to eat it.

"You can eat it, but it will be very sour."

Hearing what she said, Yanhuang was very sour, and the saliva flowed out of his mouth.

He is not very good at eating sour food.

But the smell of this wild fruit is really good.

So he doesn't know whether he should eat or not.

Eat it, afraid of acid, don't eat, smell hungry.

Just when he was hesitating, he suddenly saw Qinglong running back cheerfully.

Yanhuang had a flash of inspiration, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He put the fruit on his clothes to wipe off the drool on it, and then quietly said to Jing Ge: "Whatever I do later, don't talk, don't expose me. .”

Leaving Ge'er these words, Yanhuang quickly ran towards Qinglong, stood in front of Qinglong and stopped him, "Little Qinglong, are you hungry?"

Qinglong blinked his big eyes suspiciously, the two whips on his head flickered, he asked Yanhuang: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything. Haven't you eaten for a long time? Are you hungry? I just picked a lot of wild fruits here. They are delicious and sweet. Do you want to eat them? Here's one for you."

As Yanhuang said, she handed over the wild fruit.

Qinglong looked down at the wild fruit in his hand, puffed his cheeks and said, "You are so cheap, just give me one when there are so many."

Yanhuang thought that Qinglong had seen through his plan at the moment when he suddenly stopped holding the fruit.

Just as he was worried, he heard what Qinglong said later.

Immediately, I couldn't laugh or cry, I didn't know whether to laugh or laugh.

"I'll just give you one. Of course I'll keep a few more for myself for such a delicious thing." Yanhuang originally wanted to give him a few more, but she was afraid that she would suddenly be too generous and cause Qinglong's suspicion, so she deliberately pretended He was stingy, he wanted to eat very much, and he was reluctant to give it.

Qinglong looked at him, then at the wild fruit in his hand, and actually believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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