First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1238 Your Hearts Are Really Vicious

Chapter 1238 Your Hearts Are Really Vicious
The hunter of Fengyue Kingdom saw that it was the princess of his own country who saved his life.

He rushed over with tears of gratitude, and knelt down in front of Princess Yunge.

The excited voice said with tears: "Thank you princess for saving your life. The subordinates have nothing to repay, and they can only repay the princess' great kindness by being a cow and a horse."

Jing Ge was anxious to see what was happening in the grass over there, ignored the hunter, walked around him, and quickly flew towards the turbulent grass.

She pushed aside the haystack, only to see a shivering person lying on the haystack.

This person is the one who was assigned just now to anger the beast.

His companions ran away immediately when they saw Jing Ge appearing, they didn't call him at all, and they didn't plan to save him.

This person was in a bad position, and it was not convenient for him to get out.

So I had to shiver in the haystack.

In the end, it was precisely because he trembled and shook the grass that Jing Ge was attracted so quickly.

Jing Ge looked at him coldly.

This person is a member of Ziyuan Kingdom.

When Jing Ge eavesdropped on their conversation, she scanned their faces one by one, and one of them was this one.

And he was still wearing Zi Yuan Kingdom's costume, so it couldn't be wrong.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to die. When I saw Xiongtai being chased and killed by a beast just now, I also wanted to help, but I sprained my foot accidentally, so I haven't been able to make a move. I'm sorry."

The hunter of Fengyue Kingdom didn't doubt it, but patted the opponent's arm considerately, and said, "It's okay, as long as you have this kind of intention, it's a good thing you didn't come out just now, otherwise you will definitely not be able to run away from the beast with your foot injury." Yes, I'm not injured, I almost couldn't run away, but fortunately our Princess Yunge showed up in time and rescued me."

"Princess Yunge?" The man gave Jing Ge a strange look, dressed in men's clothing, and asked curiously: "Is this person in men's clothing the Princess Yunge of your country?"

The hunter of Fengyue Kingdom knew that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately slapped himself angrily.

"Crack." Then he looked at Jing Ge and said, "I'm sorry, Princess Yun Ge, it's all my fault, I slipped my tongue."

"It's okay, whether I'm a man or a woman, it won't affect my actions." After Jing Ge finished speaking, he smiled at the hunter of the Ziyuan Kingdom and said, "The most important thing is that this matter will never It came from this population."

After hearing this, the hunter of Ziyuan Kingdom thought she was trusting him, and quickly patted his chest to express his loyalty, saying: "Yes, I will never tell this matter, don't worry, I'm a famous mouth Yan Shi, if anything comes to me, it will not be leaked."

The next moment, Jing Ge's dagger touched the man's neck.

Jing Ge said coldly: "Yes, but I still can't trust you too much, I only trust the dead."

The man felt the coldness on his neck, and he was too frightened to catch his breath. He whispered anxiously, "Princess, you can't play with this swordsman, and you can't take this joke, you will die."

"Of course I knew that people would die. Didn't you also know that people would die? That's why you attacked people in our country? Do you dare to say that you didn't shoot the arrow that disturbed the beast just now?"

Just as Jing Ge finished speaking, the hunter of Fengyue Kingdom suddenly came back to his senses, widened his eyes in shock and said, "It's you, you disturbed that beast just, so you want to kill me? You, Why are you so vicious, the people of Fengyue Kingdom regard you as distinguished guests, is this how you repay our sincerity in the end? Your hearts are really too vicious."

(End of this chapter)

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