First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1240 Don't Spray Blood

Chapter 1240 Don't Spray Blood

Jing Ge watched the man leave, and then her brows became completely cold.

She unleashed her divine sense, explored the situation of living bodies nearby, and after confirming the direction, she quickly ran towards that direction.

When Jing Ge arrived, he happened to see a hunter belonging to Fengyue Kingdom being shot in the shoulder by a person from Ziyuan Kingdom.

Fortunately, the heart and other vital parts were avoided. The man just lost a lot of blood and fell to the ground, looking angrily at the people who approached him.

"The people of Ziyuan Kingdom are uneasy and have good intentions, and their hearts can be punished. If the king finds out that you have different intentions, he will definitely not let you go."

"Hahaha, don't worry, your king will never know about it. Our Highness the Crown Prince has made every possible preparation. Even if your corpse is found in the end, no one will suspect us of Ziyuan Kingdom. After all, we are not using the arrows of our Ziyuan Kingdom."

In order to facilitate the calculation of scores later, the bows and arrows used by each country are engraved with their own country-specific logo.

That's why the prince of the Ziyuan Kingdom made unlabeled arrows to celebrate his crime.

It's just a pity that their plan happened to be bumped into by Jing Ge.

Otherwise, it might be true that as they said, a large number of hunters in Fengyue Kingdom would die in an unexplained state.

"Do you think our king will be such a dull person? As long as you reveal a little bit of clues, you will definitely be found out by our king, and our princess, if you dare to fight against our Fengyue country, your Ziyuan country will definitely not It's going to end well."

The hunter spoke too excitedly, spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, the people of Ziyuan Kingdom walked over, intending to pull out the arrow from the shoulder of the hunter of Fengyue Kingdom, and then insert it again.

Just as he was about to hit the arrow, a silver needle flew over and directly inserted into the man's wrist.

The man felt pain in his wrist, and he retracted it with a shake of his hand.

Jing Ge appeared on the stage at this time, and landed in front of the man, a sword was in front of him, blocking the man's way.

"I don't know how our Fengyue people offended your people? To cause such a murderous disaster?" The gloomy breath between Jing Ge's brows made that person swallow nervously.

Feeling the powerful aura continuously released from her body, she was so frightened that her legs went limp and she almost fell to her knees.

"You must have read it wrong, I just saw that he was injured, and I was going to save him."

"Oh, really? Ning Xichen, is what he said true?"

Ning Xichen was the seriously injured person behind Jing Ge.

The man shook his head resolutely, and said to Jing Ge: "No, princess, the Ziyuan Kingdom has a different intention, and they want to slaughter our Fengyue Kingdom's hunters."

The moment Ning Xichen saw Princess Yunge appearing, tears welled up in her eyes.

He thought he was going to die this time.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the princess appeared, and Princess Yunge was really the lucky star of their Fengyue Kingdom.

It seems that the rumor is likely to be true.

Princess Yunge's fate can really bring peace to a country, not only that, but also unify Kyushu, change the pattern of the world, and make emperors and generals look good.

"Did you hear that? Do you think I believe what my people say, or what you Ziyuan Kingdom said?"

Jing Ge looked at the person with cold eyes, as if he had thrown countless cold knives into the person's body.

"Don't spout blood. His injury has nothing to do with me." Seeing that the incident was exposed, the people of Ziyuan Kingdom tried to escape after being unable to explain themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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