First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1254 Is this a storage ring on your hand

Chapter 1254 Is this a storage ring on your hand
"Sister, is this a storage ring on your hand?" Ah Bao saw her take out the dagger from the ring, and came to him curiously, staring at her ring, wanting to see something from inside. A flower is coming.

Seeing that she likes to watch it so much, Jing Ge simply spread out her five fingers and leaned over to let Abao see more clearly.

Abao's family is kind to her, and Abao is the hope and treasure of the family, so Jing Ge is a little more enthusiastic about Abao.

When I see A Bao, I can't help but think of my younger brother Jing Di, Lang Ming, and the unborn child.

Don't know how they are doing now.

After finding out that she was missing, how is Bai Yeling doing?
When she thought that Bai Yeling would live like her, her life would be worse than death, and her heart was pierced like a knife.

Occasionally, I wonder if there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

She dare not die casually.

Because, by chance, I hope I can go back.

find them.

Whether it is this world or another world, to Jing Ge, she is just a passerby.

But the only difference is that another world is bound by her.

So even though the time spent in that world was far less than that of this world, Jing Ge still hoped to go back earlier and return to Bai Yeling.

Even if she would be blamed by Bai Yeling for not protecting that child well, she still wanted to go back.

I want to hear him whispering in my ear.

I want to see him blushing in embarrassment.

Wanting to see him being an evildoer, he sneaked into her bed with a dark belly.

"Sister, don't you want to eat?" A Bao's voice brought Jing Ge back to his senses.

Jing Ge smiled wryly and shook his head, picked up a piece of watermelon, and ate it without taste.

After waking up, she discovered that there was something wrong with her taste buds, no matter what she ate, she lost the taste.

"Sister, do you have any relatives here?" Ah Bao is so young that he doesn't know what's wrong with his question, and he doesn't know that asking this question may hurt the other party's heart.

He was just curious.

Because he felt that everyone should have a family.

Everything in the world is born by parents, and having parents means having a family.

For a beautiful person like my sister, my family must be beautiful too.

Jing Ge was stunned when he heard A Bao's words.

Just as I was about to shake my head and say no, I suddenly remembered what happened at the last moment in the Magic Forest that day.

When that ray of light came down, it seemed that Li Chen was also involved.

Li Chen wanted to rush over and push her away, but he was a step too late, and both of them disappeared into the beam of light.

What about Li Chen?
Was he also drawn into this world?

Full of suspicion, Jing Ge threw the watermelon rind into the basket next to it.

"Sister, do you still want to eat?" Abao saw that she didn't move anymore, and gave her another piece.

Jing Ge shook his head, "Eat, I'm not hungry."

Ah Bao got along with her for a while, knowing that she didn't want to eat it, so he didn't talk anymore, just obediently eating his watermelon next to him, and occasionally glanced at this beautiful sister.

I thought, my sister is so beautiful, she will definitely not be abandoned by her family, but if she is not abandoned by her family, why hasn't anyone come to her for so long?
Every time he sees his sister's distraught appearance, he feels very distressed.

Such a beautiful sister, it would be great if she could smile.

Unfortunately, he has never seen his sister smile.

"Where's Lu Jianan? Tell Lu Jianan to come out." Suddenly there was a loud voice at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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