Chapter 1256
Jing Ge stood up from the back of the yard, her eyes were cold.

"Stinky boy, didn't you say that you are the only one in the house? Isn't there another kid here?" Cyclops smiled grimly and walked towards Jing Ge. He pulled out the needle on the back of his hand, walked to Jing Ge, and walked around Jing Ge Turned around, "Skinned and tender, like a girl, why, are you interested in playing with big brother?"

Cyclops looked at Jing Ge salivating.

"Brother will teach you some interesting things." Cyclops said, reaching out his hand to Jing Ge.

When the salty pig's hand was about to touch his face, Jing Ge made a sudden move, pinched the thumb of the salty pig's hand, and broke it hard, only to hear a click, and the thumb of the salty pig's hand was directly broken by Jing Ge with brute force up.


The miserable cry of the one-eyed dragon sounded in the yard.

Seeing the boss being bullied, the followers behind him rushed up together: "Boss, this brat dared to hurt you, we will kill him."

"Wait a minute." The one-eyed dragon was so painful that tears were about to flow out. He held his injured thumb and stood up with a grim expression on his face. "Tie him up and see if I don't take care of him. I'm going to do it later." He is crying for his father and mother!"

Cyclops belongs to people regardless of gender. Both men and women can eat it all. They like to play with young and fresh types most.

Especially someone like Jing Ge who looks very clean, it will make him have the urge to humiliate severely.

It's just a pity that he has completely hit the iron plate now.

Jing Ge sneered and said, "You want to fuck me? That depends on whether you have the fate."

Jing Ge sneered, and suddenly bypassed the crowd, and came to Cyclops in an instant, raised his foot and kicked Cyclops hard in the crotch.

"Ah!" This scream was louder than before, which showed that it was quite painful.

Jing Ge's kick was merciless, and directly sent off the leg of his son and grandson.

She dared to swear in the name of her title of genius doctor that this person will be considered a useless person for the rest of his life, and he will never use his dirty things to defile other people's good children.

Cyclops clutched his crotch and kept rolling on the ground, the pain caused him to lose control of his facial expression.

Jing Ge glanced at him indifferently, then turned around and said to the people behind him who were ready to move: "If you want to go up, come together, Bengong will play with you."

In this world, she used to be a witch standing on top of the world!
Who dares to disrespect her?

There is only one death word in the end.

Jing Ge's fists were heavy, and the speed was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, all these ruffians were cleaned up.

"Wow, sister, you are so amazing." Ah Bao got up from the ground, wiped away the tears on his face, ran over quickly, ran to Jing Ge's side, looked at her left and right, did not see that she was injured, and his face was even more excited , Said: "Sister, why are you so powerful, you knocked down these bad guys this way and that, can you teach me?"

A Bao had a happy smile on his face.

Jing Ge rubbed A Bao's head, saw that A Bao's face was slapped just now, half of his face was red and swollen, if Lin Lianzhi and the others came back later, they would definitely feel distressed if they saw this.

Thinking of this, Jing Ge's expression changed drastically. She hugged A Bao's arm and asked, "A Bao, was that bastard slapped you in the face just now?"

Ah Bao tilted his head, thought for a while, pointed to one of them and said, "This is the man, the face hurts, sister, do you think my face is swollen?"

Jing Ge touched A Bao's face and said, "Sister, you will avenge me."

(End of this chapter)

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