First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1264 You just roll down the mountain

Chapter 1264 You just roll down the mountain

"You should be the one to leave. This is not your place. Get out as soon as you can, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Guangfeng has become less and less able to teach people recently. The rules of Tianxing Palace should also be changed, otherwise all cats and dogs will be allowed in."

"What's this woman's name? She's making a lot of noise, it's so noisy." Qinglong rubbed his sleepy face and sat up, glanced at the woman in the distance, with a look of unhappiness in his brows.

He has suffered from severe sleep deprivation recently, and his gas became worse when he didn't sleep well.

Jing Ge originally wanted to chase away people by himself, but was stopped by Qinglong's hand.

"It's not suitable for you to do it now, just sit on the side and I'll take care of her."

As Qinglong said, he flew forward, stood firmly in front of Jing Ge, and stopped him.

"Who do you say is a dog? Come on, drive these two ignorant dogs out for me. In my aunt's territory, they dare to be disrespectful to my aunt. Not only that, but also swearing and insulting my aunt. See I'm not going to take care of you."

"Miss Cuilan, we can't touch this person." A guard came out from behind, knelt down in front of Li Cuilan, and kowtowed a few times.

"What? Why can't you move? What are you afraid of them doing? Could it be that they can still eat you? Go, if anything happens, I will carry it for you, and the strong wind will not kill you."

"I'll see who dares to do it." A rough voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Li Cuilan turned back immediately, and saw the violent wind on her face.

She ran towards the wind, hugged the wind's arm excitedly, and said: "Feng, I miss you so much, finally I can see you, you have been avoiding me these days, I don't know that I can't sleep every night, All because of thinking about you."

"Let go." Kuang Feng directly shook off Li Cuilan's hand.

"Kuang Feng, what are you doing? By the way, these two people insulted me with vicious words, you quickly decide for me and beat them to death."


Kuangfeng slapped Li Cuilan hard in the face.

Li Cuilan was instantly stunned.

She covered her swollen face and looked at Kuangfeng in disbelief, tears streaming down her face, "Guangfeng, why did you hit me?"

"You... shut up, don't speak any more, if you dare to say one more word to humiliate the Palace Master, you will get rolled down the mountain."

If it wasn't for the fact that Li Cuilan saved Kuangfeng's life a few years ago, Yu Kuangfeng said that he had saved his life. When he stepped into the small courtyard just now and heard Li Cuilan insulting Jing Ge and tried to do something, he would have done it himself first. Get rid of Li Cuilan.

"Guangfeng, are so partial to a woman from outside? Then what am I to you?" Li Cuilan began to cry as she spoke.

The eye circles are red, and the grievance makes people feel distressed.

In addition, she has a good skin, so when she cries like this, she really looks pitiful.

But now in front of her is the wind, Jing Ge is the only one in the heart of the wind, no matter how beautiful a woman is, in his eyes, it is just a creature with a female gender.

Therefore, Kuangfeng didn't feel sorry for the fragrance and jade at all.

If he hadn't thought that Li Cuilan had saved his life, he would never have allowed Li Cuilan to stand here and pollute Jing Ge's eyes.

"Come here, send Miss Cuilan back to Fangsi for a month. Within this month, no one is allowed to release her without my permission."

The wind said mercilessly.

"You, you actually want to ground me?"

(End of this chapter)

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