First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1270 Do you want me to give you a shoulder squeeze

Chapter 1270 Do you want me to give you a shoulder squeeze
Jing Ge smiled inwardly, thinking: When I give birth to this little thing, it's not certain who will beat the other.

Li Cuilan didn't know what Jing Ge was thinking.

She has an idea.

Leaving happily, she was going to find the wind to brush up her presence.

Li Cuihua, who left lightly, completely forgot that she should still be in the confinement state, so she ran over to find Fengfeng rashly, without any pretext, she took the initiative to approach Fengfeng, and told the other party: Look, I escaped!

Qinglong watched the whole process from the sidelines. After Li Cuilan left, Qinglong popped up, grabbed the big white steamed buns on the table, stuffed them into his mouth one by one, and then muttered, "I never thought there would be someone more stupid than you in this world." woman."

When Jing Ge heard this, veins popped out on his forehead, "What did you say? I'm stupid?"

Qinglong suddenly felt bad, quickly picked up the last two big steamed buns left on the plate, and then ran away quickly.

Jing Ge casually picked up a chopstick and threw it out forcefully, forcing Qinglong's clothes into the door panel.

Qinglong's clothes got caught, he stopped in his tracks, looked back at her with a guilty conscience, and said with a smile: "You are not stupid, you are the smartest in the world."


"Hey, get out now."

Jing Ge looked at Qinglong who was rolling away, and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Is it her delusion?

Why does it feel like Qinglong and Yanhuang have completely changed their personalities after staying with Yanhuang for a while?

Becoming more and more like Yanhuang, where is the silly little green snake who loves to cry?

After receiving Jing Ge's move, Li Cuilan cheerfully ran to find Kuangfeng.

Kuang Feng was training a group of subordinates, he took off his shirt, revealing his strong and perfect muscles.

As soon as Li Cuilan ran in, she saw Kuangfeng sweating with her perfect chest muscles, and couldn't help but stop, hid behind the rockery, and stared salivatingly.

As expected of the man she was looking for, he has a really good figure, those bulging abdominal muscles, I really want to touch them, it must feel really good.

And that waist that looks very strong...

"Miss Li, don't stand here, the dripping water will stain your clothes after a while."

A servant appeared behind him, trying to persuade Li Cuilan to leave here and not to stand here.

He spoke too loudly.

When he spoke, he was completely heard by the strong wind not far away.

When Li Cuilan heard his voice, she realized that Kuang Feng was about to turn around and look over.

She quickly turned around, pushed the servant behind her to the back of the rockery, covered her mouth, gave the servant a fierce look and said, "Don't make a sound."

The servant was usually intimidated by her aggressive appearance, but when he was suddenly threatened, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, and almost peed his pants.

He nodded desperately, "Wuwu, I won't, I won't say it, I will definitely not say it."

Seeing him calm down, Li Cuilan slowly let go of his hand.

Then a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Then, a voice sounded.

"Li Cuilan, what are you doing?"

The sound of the gust of wind was full of anger.

Does this woman understand what it means to have a relationship between a man and a woman?He actually covered the mouth of a servant, and it was a male servant.

Li Cuilan turned around stiffly, then squeezed out a smile, showing a row of white teeth to the wind.

At first, the smile was so exaggerated that the back teeth were exposed.

Then he immediately remembered what Jing Ge said.

Storm doesn't like women like this.

The corners of the grinning mouth narrowed in an instant, and he said softly, "Guang Feng, are you tired? Do you want me to give you a shoulder squeeze?"

(End of this chapter)

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