First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1282 Tears Can’t Be Wiped Clean 3

Chapter 1282 Tears Can’t Be Wiped Clean 3
"Sister, I'm so sad." Abao knelt in front of the grave, looking at the tombstone with the names of his parents, crying out of breath.

"A Bao, let's go back and find the wooden box A Niang left behind, shall we?" Jing Ge was worried that if he continued crying like this, his body would be ruined, so he simply decided to take A Bao away to divert his attention.

It is not so easy to get out of the pain of losing a father or a mother, but blindly immersing in grief will only torment the body.

This is not the result that Abao's parents want to see.

Although they left, they walked together, so they were not alone on the road.

Jing Ge took Ah Bao's hand and walked home.

At this time, the home has been cleaned up by Qinglong and Diewu.

All the things that shouldn't exist were thrown out, and the blood on the ground was washed away.

The two walked in and saw the clean little yard, as if it was the same as before, without any changes, and they just went out to play for a while, and then went home.

It seems that the next moment, A Niang will come out of the kitchen, wipe her hands with her apron, deliberately put on a straight face, and say to A Bao: "Go and run around again, see you made yourself like a clay figurine, go quickly!" Take a shower, and you can eat when you come out, and I have your favorite chicken drumsticks tonight."

A Bao pursed his mouth.

Tears rolled in his eyes, he stubbornly raised his head, trying not to let the tears fall.

Jing Ge led Ah Bao, walked to Lin Lianzhi's master bedroom, opened the door, still could smell the familiar smell.

It's just that the owner of the house is no longer there.

Although the room here is very simple, but because there is a diligent hostess, it is clean and tidy.

Only things are dead.

No matter how cozy the arrangement is, without the owner, it still looks extraordinarily deserted.

Jing Ge let go of Ah Bao's hand, walked towards the bed, pried open the bed board, and saw a small hidden compartment inside.

After opening it, I saw the wooden box that Lin Lianzhi was talking about.

A black wooden box.

Jing Ge took out the wooden box and opened it in no hurry.

She handed the wooden box to Abao and said solemnly, "Abao, your father and mother died because of this wooden box. I won't open the box now until you have the ability to avenge your father and mother." When the time comes, I will hand over the real wooden box to you, and then you will avenge Father and Mother, okay?"

When Ah Bao heard her say that Father and Mother died because of the exhaustion of the wooden box, his nose turned red with sadness, but there was a touch of determination and anger in his eyes.

"I will, sister, I will definitely become stronger, and then I will avenge my parents." Ah Bao looked at the wooden box more and more.

Jing Ge put away the wooden box, together with the key that Lin Lianzhi gave her.

"A Bao, where did Grandpa go?" After finishing all this, she finally had the opportunity to ask A Bao about Lu Jian'an.

"Grandpa, he passed away a few days ago." Abao said, his eyes were red again.

"I'm sorry, Ah Bao, it would be great if I could come back sooner." Only then did Jing Ge realize how much grief the child had endured in such a short period of time.

poor child.

"Sister, can you teach me to cultivate immortals? I want to become stronger, so strong that no one can bully me, nor can I bully the people I love!"

Bao's tone was so firm.

Seeing Ah Bao like this, Jing Ge couldn't help thinking back to her past self.

Once, like A Bao, she vowed to become the most powerful person in the world, strong enough to protect all the people she loved.

(End of this chapter)

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