First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1298 I deserve this punishment

Chapter 1298 I deserve this punishment

"Dangdangdang." Before getting close, Jing Ge heard the sound of swords colliding together.

The two fought quite ferociously, but there was the sound of spirit energy colliding and exploding everywhere, and the aftermath of the spirit energy explosion spread to the surrounding buildings, breaking many things.

The whole yard looked like a mess.

No wonder Die Wu said that if no one came to stop them, these two people would probably demolish the Tianxing Palace.

Jing Ge looked at everything in front of him, and found that what Die Wu said was not exaggerating at all.

If you don't stop them, these two people really have the strength to tear down the house.

Jing Ge carefully avoided the flying thing, and from a distance, he could only see the back of Gu Feng, the person who was fighting with him, was blocked by things, so he couldn't see very clearly.


Suddenly a piece of wood flew towards Jing Ge, she didn't notice it, but Die Wu, who was walking behind her far behind, saw it first.

Die Wu's position was too late to help her block the log.

Fortunately, her screams attracted the attention of the two men who were fighting.

Before Jing Ge could look up and see something flying towards her, she saw two black shadows flying towards her.

The distance of the wind is closer to her.

But a shadow behind the wind was faster than the wind, and before the wind approached, the person had already come to Jing Ge, he stood in front of Jing Ge, stretched his hand back, and blocked the flying wood.

But the splinters from the splintered wood still hurt his hand.

Jing Ge looked at the person in front of her, her big eyes began to fill with tears.

She couldn't even believe that the person standing in front of her was real.

Big tears fell down his cheeks, and fell into the palm of Bai Yeling's outstretched hand.

Bai Yeling clenched his fist, held her tears in his palm, touched her cheek cherishingly, and wiped her tears with distress.

"Sorry, I am late."

Jing Ge cried and started sniffling.

She hadn't cried so hard in a long time.

His shoulders twitched and his nose turned red from crying.

Bai Yeling hugged her distressedly, kissed her forehead and said, "I'm here, don't cry, I will always be by your side and wait for you from now on."

Bai Yeling wanted to hug her tightly, but found something blocked between the two of them, looked down and saw her belly as big as a watermelon.

Jing Ge sniffed, choked up and said, "How did you get here?"

She thought that she would not see him until the child made a sound, but unexpectedly, she saw him suddenly. When she couldn't sleep last night, she was still thinking about what to do if he didn't come up in time?
Then he would not be able to see the child for the first time, and he would not be able to name the child.

There are so many things about children that he cannot participate in.

The more I thought about it, the more I finally lost sleep.

I didn't expect to see myself after the insomnia.

Jing Ge suddenly reached out and pinched Bai Yeling's arm. Seeing that his expression didn't change and he didn't cry out in pain, he immediately became anxious.

Is this just a dream of oneself?

She lowered her head uneasily, and bit Bai Yeling's arm forcefully.

Perhaps it was because she bit too hard that she heard a groaning sound above her head.

Only then did Jing Ge confirm that she was really not dreaming, all this was real, and Bai Yeling had really come to her side.

"When I pinched you just now, why didn't you make a sound?" If he made a sound, she wouldn't be foolish enough to take another bite from the back.

Bai Yeling smiled and said, "I deserve this punishment."

(End of this chapter)

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