First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1304 Our baby’s name hasn’t been chosen yet 1

Chapter 1304 Our baby’s name hasn’t been chosen yet 1
Gu Feng didn't go in, he chose to leave.

Die Wu saw his back leaving in a hurry, and suddenly chased after him.

Seeing the wind leaning against the tree trunk in a daze, Die Wu suddenly walked up.

He called softly, "Brother."

Then he put his head close to his brother's arms, rubbed against it, and said in a strong nasal voice: "Brother, you still have me. Although I am always unreliable, I will always be by my brother's side."

"Silly girl, when you grow up, you will still be married." Kuang Feng stroked Die Wu's furry head.

Did you smile.

The little girl's film is always heartless, and she will still notice his emotions at critical moments.

Kuangfeng always feels too much helplessness towards this younger sister who is ten years younger than him.

Mischievous and love to make trouble.

Occasionally he would feel a headache, but most of the time, he was lucky.

Thankfully she showed up by accident.

Their parents didn't intend to have any more children at the beginning, but in the end, there was an accident, and this accident was this younger sister who was ten years younger than him.

When she first found out that she had a child, her mother had thought about taking medicine to kill her, but it was later that Feng Feng found out and tried to persuade them to let them keep the child.

Of course, Die Wu didn't know about this matter, and she didn't need to know, now the whole family treats her as a darling.

She should grow up so carefree.

"Brother, I don't want to get married, I want to be by my brother's side forever." Die Wu pouted.

Kuang Feng smiled and said: "You are still too young, you won't say that when you meet the person you like, and when it's time for your brother to keep you, you won't be able to keep him."

"I won't, brother, you trust me." Die Wu hugged the wind's waist and began to act like a baby.

"Okay, I believe you." Kuangfeng's mood got better after being pestered by Diewu.

Not so gloomy at first.

"Brother, do you like Sister Jing Ge? I like her very much too. She is a very nice person and has saved many people. That Brother Bai seems to be a very nice person. He will definitely treat Sister Jing Ge well, so Jing Ge My sister will definitely be very happy, and my brother will not have to worry about it in the future."

"Brother don't worry."

"Then let's go back, shall we?" Die Wu coquettishly rubbed against Feng Feng's hand.

"it is good."

Jing Ge's physical fitness is very good, and the delivery of her first child went smoothly.

Bai Yeling felt sorry for her and held her hand the whole time. After the child was born, he didn't even look at the child, his eyes were full of Jing Ge.

Seeing her suffering in childbirth, Bai Yeling's heart ached to death.

Although her own hand was also bitten to the point of bleeding, it was not as painful as the slightest bit.

"I won't give birth in the future, will I never give birth again?" Bai Yeling's eyes turned red.

Hugging Jing Ge tightly, "I don't want you to suffer any more."

He wished he could bear that kind of suffering on his behalf, but he could only watch from the sidelines, there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't help her.

He never wanted her to suffer like this again.

Jing Ge had just given birth and was very weak. She held Bai Yeling's arm and smiled silently. When Bai Yeling was wiping her sweat, she looked at Bai Yeling and said, "Ling, I love you, so I am willing Suffering like this for you."

Bai Yeling's tears suddenly couldn't bear it at this moment.

Tears of collapse fell down.

A strong man, a man who never cried easily, finally couldn't help but shed tears of distress after seeing his wife's hard work in order to give birth to a child for him.

(End of this chapter)

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