First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1306 Our baby’s name hasn’t been chosen yet 3

Chapter 1306 Our baby’s name hasn’t been chosen yet 3
Jing Ge stuck out his tongue at Bai Yeling, and said, "Really? When will you show me?"

Bai Yeling swept her up and down with meaningful eyes and said, "Now is not the time, wait until you recover."

Jing Ge didn't react for a while, and asked with a smile, "Why do you have to wait for me to recover? Is your prototype so unbearable to look at?"

Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said, "Hey, take a good rest, and when you recover, you can watch whatever you want."

Jing Ge finally understood the hidden meaning of his words.

He stared at him with wide eyes in disbelief, "You rascal."

"Wrong, it's your hooligan." Bai Yeling couldn't take advantage of it, but he didn't forget to take advantage of it verbally.

Qinglong rubbed the goosebumps on his arms vigorously, and rolled his eyes secretly.

Really shameless.

"How do you feel today?" Bai Yeling came to the bedside.

Jing Ge rested her head on his lap, "It's much better. What is the chicken soup Wen Po brought? Why do I think it tastes good?"

Hearing this, Qinglong interrupted and said, "The chicken soup is a wild yellow chicken, which was captured by Mozun, and it is specially given to pregnant women. Haven't you noticed that you have enough milk recently? And your health is getting better and better. "

"So you disappeared some time ago to catch the yellow chicken? Why didn't you tell me?" Jing Ge gave Bai Yeling a reproachful look.

"It's fine if you like to drink, as long as you like it, all my sacrifices are worth it."

Jing Ge grabbed his hand and covered her face, "I like it."

"Didn't you find that you are getting tired and crooked? I can't take it anymore, and the goosebumps are gone."

Qinglong wanted to vomit a few more words, but suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth, and then realized that it was Bai Yeling who cast a curse on him.

"Woooooo..." Qinglong pointed to his mouth, begging him to untie it quickly.

Bai Yeling ignored it.

Qinglong turned his attention to Jing Ge again, and looked at Jing Ge pleadingly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Jing Ge smiled and frowned, and when Qinglong's face was almost red from holding back, he shook Bai Yeling's hand to let him untie it quickly.

After Bai Yeling untied it, he lowered his head and kissed Jing Ge's lips and said, "This is a reward."

Jing Ge bulged her cheeks, and Bai Yeling poked her bulging cheeks, and said in a hoarse voice, "Get better soon, if you don't get better soon, I'm going to be suffocated."

Jing Ge instantly understood what he said.

With a blushing face, he pushed Bai Yeling away, and put his head back under the quilt.

"You go out, I'm going to rest."

Bai Yeling let out a low laugh.

"Huh." Qinglong snorted in disgust, and then ran away quickly before Bai Yeling cast a curse on him.

"I told my parents about you. After they heard about it, they immediately ended their travel schedule and prepared to come back. It is estimated that they will return in a few days." Kuangfeng moved a stool and sat by the bed.

Looking at Jing Ge who was getting more and more rosy on the bed.

These days, in order to let Ge'er eat more, Bai Yeling tried his best to find the doctor for folk remedies, and searched for good things to come back.

He saw the whole process, so he gradually chose to let go.

Everything he saw told him that the person Ge er chose was right, and that this person would bring Ge er happiness.

As long as Geer is happy.

He could just watch from the side and wait silently, as long as he could see Ge'er was enough.

(End of this chapter)

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