First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1318 My Little Ancestor, Stop Crying

Chapter 1318 My Little Ancestor, Stop Crying
Doudou is only half a year old and understands human language, so it doesn't seem so difficult to understand.

Qinglong explained to himself in his heart.

Then spread a big cloth on the ground, put Doudou on it, and threw a few washed wild fruits on it, let Doudou watch and play.

Then he went to the edge of the river next to him and started cooking the snake.

Qinglong doesn't know how to cook snake soup.

Can only rely on instinct, roughly deal with.

When I felt that it was almost clean, I chopped the whole piece into the pot, and then poured water.

"Well, then what? How to deal with it? How to boil the water? Burn firewood? Or use fire directly? How to burn firewood?" Qinglong talked to himself, recalling how those people used to light fire.

After thinking for a while, I finally remembered a certain picture.

"It seems to be picking up the firewood first."

Qinglong was too focused and didn't notice the situation of Doudou next to him at all.

Thinking that he still needed firewood, he turned back into a little green dragon and flew away.

Qinglong ran into the woods, picked up a pile of dry firewood, rolled it up with his tail, and carried it back.

After going back, he exhausted his efforts and finally lit the fire.

After he lit the fire, he wanted to find someone to share his joy with, so he turned his head and looked excitedly at Doudou's position, "Doudo, look how good I am—"

However, Doudou's original location was empty.

Not a single figure.

Qinglong rubbed his eyes twice, but couldn't see Doudou's shadow, finally convinced that Doudou was gone.

"Doudou!" Qinglong's expression changed in panic.

Just as he was about to search for someone and hand over the unscrupulous parents by the way, he suddenly saw a small shadow by the river.

Doudou didn't know when she climbed to the river, touched the water with one hand, and was playing in the water excitedly.

The half-year-old child is still babbling in the arms of his parents.

However, this little fellow of demon and human race can already crawl, and even ran to the water's edge to play in the water.

This frightened Qinglong, and he was about to have a heart attack.

Qinglong dropped everything in his hands, ran over quickly, and quickly picked up Doudou before he was about to fall into the water.

The tail circled around the peas' waist and took the person away.

Qinglong took Doudou into the air.

It was the first time for Doudou to go to the sky, and she felt so fresh, she babbled and babbled, clapping her hands happily, babbling and babbling.

Qinglong saw him so happy and wanted to tease him, so he deliberately flew higher.

Originally thought that flying so high, Doudou might be afraid.

As a result, after he flew high, he found that Doudou was even more excited.

"Aww." Doudou danced excitedly.

Qinglong was almost flying, and was about to land, but when he felt the landing, Doudou resisted.

Doudou babbled and yelled, protesting that he was not allowed to fly down, but insisted that he continue to fly up.

Once he flies up, Doudou will scream happily, if Qinglong wants to take the opportunity to land and Doudou notices, Doudou will cry at the top of his voice.

Howling in a loud voice always has an earth-shattering feeling.

"Oh, my little ancestor, don't cry, can I take you to fly? Okay? I will take you to continue to fly, don't cry, don't cry."

Qinglong had no choice but to keep Doudou from crying, so he could only continue to fly in the air with Doudou.

Flying until he was exhausted, Doudou was still in a state of excitement, and it seemed that he did not intend to let him come down.

(End of this chapter)

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