First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1320 Can only be done once

Chapter 1320 Can only be done once

Bai Yeling shifted his gaze with a guilty conscience.

He whispered: "It's not because I said I can only do it once, so I am even more reluctant to end it. When I think about it, I will be gone tonight, so I can only continue to prolong the time."

"Should I praise you for living well?" Jing Ge rolled her eyes at him, and continued to complain: "I guess I do it once or twice a month, but you are fine. I said once or twice a week at most. But what about you, you have been pestering to do it twice in three days, if I protested and refused, do you plan to do it every day?"

Jing Ge was probably suffering from backache and backache, and was uncomfortable, so she couldn't help nagging about the past.

Bai Yeling looked at her innocently and said, "Those are things in the past. In the past year or so, I only did it once, and it was the last time."

"Do you still have the nerve to mention the last time?"

"Baby, Xianggong is doing well, shouldn't you be happy?" Bai Yeling said flatteringly while cooking snake soup on fire.

"I'm happy? I'm happy ass, how can I be happy? Didn't you always like this that time? You pester me every day, and your waist is almost broken. You haven't restrained yourself yet."

Bai Yeling: "..." That's all in the past.

Now that he suddenly heard Jing Ge mention it, he suddenly envied his past self who could have no scruples.

The more he thought about it, the more resentful he became, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the tent.

I thought, it was all because of this little third party, his life became more and more difficult to be harmonious.

Geer had more reasons and excuses to reject his love show.


"Why are you sighing? Am I wrong? Then what do you think I said wrong?"

Bai Yeling quickly shook his head and said, "You are right, but I am wrong."

"You are wrong."

"Yes yes yes." Bai Yeling walked up to Jing Ge at some point, raised his hand and pressed her head, then kissed her between the eyebrows and said, "Are you feeling uneasy?"

It's not that he didn't notice.

From the time she started to become talkative and like to talk vexatiously and find topics to talk about, he knew that Ge'er must be very disturbed now.

Jing Ge suddenly buried her head on his waist, and muttered, "I don't know either. The stone you gave me has the logo of Grandpa on it. On the one hand, I hope it is Grandpa, but at the same time I am worried that it is Grandpa. If it is Grandpa If it is, it proves that she has lived with me for so long, and been alone for so long, and grandpa spent so much energy to raise me, but I have not been careful all day, and let grandpa live alone in a different world I’ve lived here for so long, and it makes me sick to think about it.”

Ever since Jing Ge saw the stone that Bai Yeling took out that day, he couldn't help thinking about it.

Anxiety is growing.

Bai Yeling hugged her head, rubbed her hair and said, "It's okay, don't think too much, we'll go back after we save Li Chen, and then I'll take you to find grandpa, no matter whether he raised you or not." Your grandfather, he is our benefactor.

Without him, we might not be able to meet again now.In that case, I will miss Doudou's birth, and even may miss Doudou's growth, miss a lot, miss your company. "

Jing Ge buried her face in his belly and rubbed it, whispering, "Am I not beautiful like this? I'm always suspicious."

(End of this chapter)

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