Chapter 1325

Jing Ge held Doudou's little butt and wanted to coax him, but Doudou didn't agree at all, he just wanted to eat now that he was hungry.

Bai Yeling saw Doudou crying with tears in his eyes, and saw Jingge's heartbroken for Doudou, so he glanced coldly at the magistrate and said, "Are there any vacant rooms?"

The county magistrate nodded quickly and said, "Yes, there are."

"Take us there, right now." Bai Yeling put his arms around Jing Ge, urging the county magistrate to take them to the empty room, ready for Jing Ge to feed Doudou.

When the county magistrate heard this, he and his master hurried to the front and walked over quickly.

Bai Yeling wanted to take Doudou out of Jingge's arms, lest Doudou cry too much and suck too much cold wind down his stomach.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Doudou cried even more fiercely.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to give up on Baodoudou, and Jingge was unwilling to let him take him away. Her son was hungry, and as a mother, she felt guilty for not being able to feed the child in public because she couldn't save face. No matter what, Bai Yeling couldn't let Bai Yeling take him away without his son's unwillingness.

This will only make Doudou cry more sadly.

Taking care of Doudou every step of the way for more than half a year, Jing Ge is already familiar with some small movements and reactions of Doudou.

Knowing that at this time, if Doudou is given to Bai Yeling, Doudou will definitely cry even more, and it will be difficult to coax her back.

Finally in the empty room.

Bai Yeling pushed open the door, let Jing Ge and Doudou in, then directly locked the door, and stood at the door by himself, blocking the door like a mountain.

The county magistrate and master outside the door looked at each other.

I finally know why they want to empty the house.

"It seems that although the looks of the three people are not the same, they should be their own children. You see, the children have asked their mothers for milk. If they were not their biological mothers, how could the children have been crying and wanting to eat? "The county magistrate seriously stated what he had observed.

Hearing what he said, the master looked at the county magistrate in horror, and whispered, "You just stared at that man's chest? How dare you? Didn't you see that the child's father is very possessive?" Is it? If he knows what you have done, that person will definitely not let you go easily. "

Hearing this, the county magistrate trembled in fright, grabbed the master's arm, and begged, "Then what should I do? What should I do? He won't kill me, right? I don't want to die yet."

The county magistrate shivered while hugging his master.

The master thought for a while and said, "Probably not. I don't think it should be that serious. Let's take care of ourselves first."

"What are you looking after yourself?"

"I mean, we should turn around, don't face the door, and stand here waiting for the people inside to come out. If we admit our mistakes better, the man who looks strong shouldn't blame us."

The county magistrate nervously grabbed the master for questioning.

The master's arm hurt from being pinched by him, and he grinned and said: "Probably not, master, let's relax first, we will wait here and ask them what they need later, we can help as much as possible to the class busy.

It can be said that people who stretch out their hands don't smile, as long as our attitude of admitting our mistakes is good enough, they will definitely not embarrass us casually, does the master say? "

The master analyzed it seriously, and talked about it, so that the county magistrate's hanging heart was relieved.

The magistrate nodded and said, "I hope you are right this time, I am really afraid of that person."

(End of this chapter)

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