First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1333 Accepting a relationship is actually hurting the other party

Chapter 1333 Accepting a relationship is actually hurting the other party

Chapter 1390 Accepting a relationship is actually hurting the other party

As long as Princess Yunge is safe and sound, he can sacrifice his life for it.

Li Chen's life was saved by Lin Lansheng at the beginning, if it wasn't for Lin Lansheng, Li Chen would have died long ago.

He was rescued by Lin Lansheng at a young age, and later he practiced martial arts in the Lin residence. It can be said that he owes Lin Lansheng and the Lin family all his life.

As long as he is still alive, his life belongs to the Lin family.

It is his duty to protect Princess Yunge.

Li Chen's expression was a little cold.

As time passed, the whereabouts of Princess Yunge had not been found, and the crease between his brows became deeper and deeper.

It is also becoming more and more difficult to swallow, and recently it has been difficult to eat and sleep well.

In his dreams, he always dreamed of Princess Yunge being eaten by a fierce beast, and then he would wake up with fright.

Once, twice or three times, the frequency gradually increases, and the quality of sleep is seriously impaired.

People's mental strength has also begun to decline, and his complexion has looked a lot worse recently.

Seeing that he was unhappy, Princess Shuangyue didn't dare to be too unreasonable. She just found a doctor silently, prescribed some tonics, cooked them on time every day, and delivered them to Li Chen herself.

Although Li Chen has no intention of loving his children.

But not heartless either.

Seeing that Princess Shuangyue delivered the food in person, he didn't shirk it, and would drink it up every time.

This time down the mountain, Princess Shuangyue also followed Li Chen.

Li Chen didn't like to ride in a carriage, but liked to ride a horse. Princess Shuangyue also rode a fine horse by her side, telling jokes to tease Li Chen from time to time, just to make him happy too.

But Li Chen had something to worry about, one day he couldn't find the whereabouts of Princess Yunge, he couldn't feel at ease, so naturally he couldn't laugh.

Even though he knew that Princess Shuangyue had good intentions, he couldn't force a smile on his face.

"Li Mutou, what's the matter with you recently? Why are you ignoring me? You used to smile at me, but now you have no expression all day long. Don't you have any happy things?" Princess Shuangyue Talking all the way, did not get a smile from Li Chen.

Finally got angry.

Puffing out his cheeks, he questioned Li Chen.

Li Chen glanced at the setting sun in the distance, and said indifferently: "Princess Shuangyue should stop wasting time on Xiaguan. Xiaguan is destined to be unable to respond to the princess' enthusiasm."

"What is destiny? I don't believe it!" Princess Shuangyue roared with red eyes: "I never believe in this kind of destiny. If destiny is true, why did God let me meet you, but not you? Fall in love with me? Just let me suffer from this lovesickness alone?"

Princess Shuangyue became more and more aggrieved as she spoke, and she burst into tears at the end of the speech.

Looking very aggrieved.

The guards next to him couldn't bear it anymore, and they all condemned Li Chen's ruthlessness in their hearts, wishing they could wipe away tears for their most beautiful Princess Shuangyue instead of Li Chen.

But Li Chen knew his position, knew that he would choose to leave in the end, he was not from this world.

Accepting a relationship is actually hurting the other person.

It would be better to refuse coldly at the beginning, so as to reduce the damage to the other party.

Although the current rejection seems ruthless, it is actually a kind of tenderness from Li Chen, a straight man.

He respected Princess Shuangyue's feelings for him, and after careful consideration, he felt that he could not accept it, so he decided to resolutely reject the other party's overture.

He didn't want to harm Princess Frost Moon.

Princess Shuangyue belongs to this world, the princess of Lin'an City!
(End of this chapter)

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