Chapter 141
"Damn it, Bai Ye would let someone as ugly as you live in!" Murong Li gritted her teeth.

"Princess Eleven also knows that Xiaodao's appearance is not good. This is further evidence. There is no innocence between Xiaodao and the national teacher. As for the lies maliciously instigated by malicious people, I ask the princess to distinguish."

When Murong Li heard this, she tilted her head and stared sharply at Su Rulan who was still pretending to be weak and lying on the ground.

"You lied to this princess?" Murong Li was so angry that his face widened.

Walking over, grabbed Su Rulan by the collar, and slapped her hard twice.

"This princess hates being cheated the most, but you still dare to do it knowingly."

"Princess, please spare me. Ru Lan and Princess have known each other for many years, and they have never dared to deceive Princess. Please trust Ru Lan."

"Believe you? My princess mainly believes in you. Isn't it the same as believing that Bai Ye is really a broken sleeve and likes this ugly Taoist priest in front of me? You are humiliating this princess!" Murong Li was furious, looking at Su Rulan crying , I was so angry that I slapped him twice again.

"No, no, Rulan didn't, princess, please trust Rulan." Rulan cried with tears in her eyes as she covered her hurt face.

If it wasn't for the horrible face, I would have looked rather pitiful.

"No? If Bai Ye would rather have this ugly monster than this princess, wouldn't it prove that this princess is inferior to him! You also said that this is not humiliating this princess!"

Murong Li stood up, kicked Su Rulan's feet, and waved four or five servant girls in.

"Treat her well!"

As soon as Murong Li finished speaking, several servant girls immediately surrounded Su Rulan, pulling her hair, pinching her face, punching and kicking her.

"Ah, princess, spare my life, princess, spare my life..." Su Rulan struggled in embarrassment, but none of the people watching from the side dared to intercede for her.

Looking at the thin maids, they were unambiguous in their fights. It didn't look like it was the first time they did this kind of thing.

She should have taught Murong Li a lesson for the other female relatives.

Jing Ge watched from the side, couldn't help but sweat for Su Rulan.

This Murong Li has always had a high opinion of herself, for her to admit that she is not as good as herself, it is more difficult than ascending to heaven.

Su Rulan didn't realize this before she brought someone to trouble her.


With this little IQ, do you still want to be her opponent?
Not self-sufficient.

in the study.

Ye Ba knelt on the ground on one knee, and reported to Bai Ye exactly what happened at Jing Ge's side.

"My lord, do you want to send someone to help?"

After Ye Ba's report, he knelt down for a while, seeing that his lord was unmoved, not even worried at all, he couldn't help muttering in his heart: Did he make a mistake in his judgment?

Doesn't the lord like that person?
Just when Yeba was thinking wildly, Bai Ye finally spoke.

"No, she can take care of this trivial matter." A small bruise appeared under Bai Ye's eyes, holding a book in his hand, but he never turned a page.

Obviously didn't sleep well last night.

As for why he didn't sleep well, only he knew.

After Yeba heard the words, he couldn't say anything more, so he stood up, saluted and retreated.

After Yeba left, Bai Ye opened a painting.

In the steaming hot medicinal soup, a young girl with her breasts wrapped was leaning on the shore, her eyes were closed, her thin lips were slightly parted, and she was sleeping soundly.

In his paintings, the girl has lost the countless black spots and pockmarks on her face, and has a beautiful face, which is tender and pink by the heat, making her mouth-watering.

[Recommended friend's article: "Pastel in the Pastoral: Pick up a husband to farm" Author: Nanguo Nuansheng]

 The last chapter, continue tomorrow, I will correct the typo later...

(End of this chapter)

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