First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 179 Perfect Misunderstanding

Chapter 179 Perfect Misunderstanding
Jing Ge was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect the uncle to be so stinky!
"Uncle, are you ready? Let's go out." Jing Ge moved aside to make way.

Bai Ye came out from inside.

He looked at her expectantly, as if he wanted to hear even half a word of praise from her.

Jing Ge was puzzled, but he still kindly praised: "Uncle, you are very handsome today."

I have been used to seeing the uncle wearing dark green robes, and suddenly changed into a white robe, it was really hard to get used to it all at once.

But it's really amazing.

"Well, I have someone prepare a carriage, do you want to walk or take a carriage?" Bai Ye tried to keep his expression unchanged, but his slightly pink ears betrayed his good mood at the moment.

"Let's walk, it's not far anyway, there's still time." Jing Ge walked ahead.

Bai Ye strode to follow, walking beside Jing Ge.

The two maintained the posture of one left and one right, walked out of the National Teacher's Mansion, merged into the street, and walked all the way to Ruyi Restaurant.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Jing Ge always feels that they have attracted a lot of attention along the way.

She didn't know it at all, because Bai Ye, who always had a straight face, not only changed into a white robe today, but even the sharp aura between his eyebrows and eyes softened a lot.

Nine out of ten passers-by on the street know the bearded national teacher Bai Ye.

I know the reputation of this man.

Suddenly seeing the gentle side, they all wondered if the sun was setting in the west.

Really suspicious.

Bai Ye turned a blind eye to the gazes of these people, and his attention almost fell on Jing Ge.

When they reached Ruyi Tea House, Jing Ge said, "Here we are, let's go to the private room on the second floor."

Naturally, Bai Ye would not resist.

Follow her up to the second floor and into the private room.

The private room was empty.

Jing Ge frowned slightly: Is that person late?Or is she early?

Bai Ye looked for a seat to sit down on his own, and for the convenience of talking, he found a seat opposite Jing Ge.

Jing Ge also sat down.

Bai Ye snapped his fingers and asked the waiter to come over.

"Bring up your best quality tea here, hurry up, and bring some snacks."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he threw a large piece of silver to the waiter, and said proudly: "Be careful, the rest of the money is yours."

Xiaoer nodded his thanks again and again, happily took the money and left.

Jing Ge was absent-minded, looking towards the door from time to time.

Is this guy not coming, or is he late?
After a while, Xiaoer brought tea and several snacks that were delicious in color, fragrance and taste.

Jing Ge took the biscuits, and while eating, she aimed at the door from the corner of her eye.

Bai Ye noticed her strangeness, after cleaning the tea set, he made the first pot of tea and poured two cups, one for her and one for himself.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ye's voice was so gentle that water could drip out.

The little guy has been looking at the door, is he worried that someone will come in and interrupt their date?
What a cute little guy.

"It's okay, I..." Jing Ge just wanted to say that I was checking why the other guy didn't show up.

Before she could finish her sentence, Bai Ye interrupted her, her face was as gentle as water: "It's okay, don't worry, no one will come in without authorization."

"Ah?" A bunch of question marks popped up on Jing Ge's head.

What did the uncle say?

Why can't she understand?

Won't someone trespass?

Could it be that the magic stick that was promised to come was... clicked off by the uncle?
"Hiss." Jing Ge gasped.

 Chapter 3.

  Accidentally, I got stuck here again...

(End of this chapter)

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