First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 183 Five Years Incident

Chapter 183 Five Years Incident
Li Baixu couldn't move immediately.

The coercion on his body, like a huge rock, suppressed him so hard that even his head couldn't help but lowered.

As if facing the god of death, Li Baixu's pupils dilated violently, as if facing an abyss, he broke out in cold sweat from fright.

He gritted his teeth, desperately enduring the coercion that almost suffocated him, and the words popped out of his mouth while gritting his teeth.

"Demon Realm... Supreme, do you... still remember the rebellion in the Northwest... five years ago?"

Bai Yeling's expression moved slightly, taking back the coercion that had been released.

Looking straight at Li Baixu: "Are you from the Northwest?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Li Baixu was free suddenly, took a few breaths of fresh air, his throat was itchy, and he coughed a few times.

He squeezed his neck, and took a moment to relax, until his throat felt less uncomfortable, then he raised his head to meet Bai Yeling's black golden eyes.

"I am a citizen of the Northwest. The Northwest rebelled five years ago. The rebels burned, killed and looted along the road. Wherever they passed, there was no grass growing. All the villages they passed were looted and blood flowed like rivers.

You may not remember, after all, our village is too small in the vast northwest, with only more than 200 people alive.

When our village was looted by rebels, you happened to pass by and saved more than a hundred of our lives.

At the moment you appeared, I was under the sword of the rebels, and if I was a second late, I would be separated from my body.However, you appeared, like a god, descended on our village, and rescued me from the sword of the rebel army. "

Perhaps the memory was too painful, Li Baixu's eyes turned red.

Amber eyes glistened with water.

He raised his head, blinked his eyes a few times, and blinked back the tears in his eyes.

After calming down for a while, I continued to speak: "From that day on, I swore in my heart that if I have the opportunity to meet you in the future, I must thank you. I have been waiting for five years, and finally found your trace.

When I heard your name from the person in charge of the underground black market, I almost couldn't believe it... I finally found you! "

Li Baixu became emotional, and tears flowed out again after he had finally borne it back.

This time, he finally couldn't hold it back anymore, hot tears slid down his cheeks, gathered on the tip of his chin, fell to the ground, and dazed the dust on the ground.

Bai Ye didn't expect that he would still be missed by others even now after he casually favored him back then.

All the previous anger dissipated into the air.

People also calmed down.

"Are you from Amber Village?"

Li Baixu's cheeks flushed with excitement: " you remember?"

"The local people in the Amber Village all have a pair of amber eyes, which are beautiful and charming. The purer the amber color, the more beautiful the local people are, and the village is famous for it.

Countless dignitaries are concerned about the beautiful young men and women in Amber Village, and are proud of wives and concubines who have one or two amber eyes. Therefore, your village is remembered by others. The rebels who looted you did not pass by by chance, but It was done on purpose.

I plan to kill all the old people in your village, leaving behind beautiful young men and women with amber eyes, as well as young children.

Those who are not will be massacred. "

Bai Ye calmly told the truth that Li Baixu didn't know.

Li Baixu's eyes gradually became angry, and his eyes were full of anger.

He always thought that his village was ransacked by passing rebels just like other villages.

Unexpectedly, someone deliberately did it...

 Chapter 3.

(End of this chapter)

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