First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 318 Recalcitrant

Chapter 318 Recalcitrant
"You are not allowed to slander her!" Murongli finally stood up.

Blood gushed out from the wound on his body from the impact just now.

His whole body was dripping with blood, and his clothes were covered in red patches.

"People like you will never know how good she is, nor will she know how good she is..."

Murong Li swallowed the fishy sweetness gushing out of his throat.

The pain on the body is not as good as the heart.

Memories raged in my mind, and the voices and smiles of the deceased kept reappearing in my mind.

"Yaya, when the prince grows up, I will marry you as the concubine."

"That's not allowed. The seventh prince is a prince, and Yaya is just a maid, so they can't get married."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this prince will marry you. When this prince grows up, he will ask his father for a marriage."


"Seventh prince, don't ask any more, Yaya isn't worth it."

"No, Brother Huang, Brother Huang, please, please, don't take Yaya away, okay? I can give you whatever you want, I just ask you to keep Yaya, all I want is Yaya."

When he was young, he hugged Murong Fu's feet and begged him to let Yaya go, but in return he was punched and kicked.

Yaya was eventually taken away.

That night, news came from the Prince's Mansion.

A wild girl killed herself because she didn't obey His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Since then, he has never seen that person's frown or smile again.

I can't see the maid who puts him first in everything, who will accompany him to study, write with him, and practice martial arts with him.

Murongli's hatred was planted at that time.

He has always been aloof from the world and unwilling to participate in the court competition, so he was forced to be involved in the battle for the throne.

The soft heart hardened a little bit.

The kind-hearted character also began to become smoother.

Only when he dreams back at midnight, when he dreams of that familiar smiling face, can he relax for a while.

'Yaya, my concubine, this prince will definitely avenge you! '

Murong Li blinked away the tears from his eyes, and casually pulled out a beautifully carved wooden sword.

This wooden sword was given to him by Yaya.

Never left.

Murongli raised his hand and gently stroked the wooden sword, as if treating a longing lover.

Suddenly, his eyes changed, the tenderness disappeared, and the sharpness in his eyes revealed, and he suddenly circulated the spiritual energy in his body, allowing the spiritual energy to pour into the wooden sword along the palm of his hand.

The dull wooden sword instantly became shiny after being covered with a layer of aura.

The edge of the sword also became sharper.

"Do you still want to resist? If that's the case, then Gu will help you."

"Earth rain."

Countless sharp weapons suddenly drilled out of the ground, all made of condensed soil and sand.

These sharp clods soared into the air, and fell down like rain.

The coverage area is huge, beyond the range that Murongli can dodge.

Murongli waved the wooden sword in his hand, continuously knocking down the surrounding soil clods.

Murong Fu frowned, increased his attack power, and at the same time increased the consumption of spiritual energy in his body.

Not long after, Murong Fu felt tired in his body and secretly thought something was wrong.

The consumption of spiritual energy was a bit too much, and if it continued like this, he would be the one who suffered.

Murong Fu's complexion turned pale due to excessive consumption of spiritual energy.

Murong Fu knew that he couldn't continue, so he pinned all his hopes on the last blow, and the flying clods almost covered the sky.

It is so dense that there are almost no gaps.

If Murong Li couldn't escape, he would be buried underground.

Victory is his!
 Chapter 3.

(End of this chapter)

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