First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 429 Fatty's Loyalty

Chapter 429 Fatty's Loyalty

After Jing Ge left, Ye Shiyi asked Bai Yeling: "Master, it's getting late, are you going to go down the mountain?"

Bai Yeling stared at the direction where Jing Ge was leaving, and said coldly: "Think of a way, stay overnight."

After he finished speaking, he threw the problem to Ye Shiyi, walked in an unknown direction by himself, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Ye Eleven: "..." He shouldn't have followed, Ye Ba should have come!

He really didn't want to face Zhou Hongyu at all. Don't take the initiative to ask Ying to follow this kind of thankless thing next time.

Ye Shili kept slandering her in her heart.

Jing Ge returned to the room, Meng Feifei and the little fat man squeezed in together.

The two walked into the door almost at the same time, and because the little fat man was too fat, both of them got stuck at the door.

It took a while before he walked in.

Although Meng Feifei recognized him as a friend, after entering the room, he still couldn't help teasing the little fat man: "Fatty, you really should lose weight."

The little fat man squeezed the round flesh on his stomach and said, "I don't call it fat, it's round at most."

"You can't even see your jaw, and you're still called Yuanrun? Why didn't you say you're going to become a Buddha?" Meng Feifei rolled his eyes and said.

"Maybe I was really a Buddha in my previous life, that's why I'm so round in this life, look at my ears..." The little fat man suddenly came up to Meng Feifei, tugged at his ears, and said seriously: "Look at my ears..." Are your ears very round? My mother said, this is called Fuxiang, and it has the same earlobe as Buddha's."

The little fat man chattered on and on, and the more he talked, the more he became sure that he was a Buddha in his previous life, and in this life he went down to the world to practice.

Meng Feifei opened his mind to him, and he was willing to bow down.

After hearing the calluses in his ears, Meng Feifei finally couldn't take it anymore, hid behind Jing Ge, and begged for mercy: "Please, don't say any more, I'm about to vomit."

The little fat man squeezed his earlobe, and said to himself: "I may be a Buddha incarnate as the God of Cookery..."

"Okay, you guys go back and rest."

Jing Ge drank half a pot of tea, finally couldn't listen anymore, and started to chase people away.

Meng Feifei and the little fat man obediently left.

Jing Ge returned to the bed and meditated for half an hour.

After feeling sleepy, I put on my clothes and went to sleep.

After learning the lesson of being intruded suddenly last time, Jing Ge never changed clothes when she was sleeping on the mountain.

The purpose is to prevent people from breaking in suddenly and discovering the daughter's body.

In such a dangerous place, the more careful the better.

Not long after Jing Ge fell asleep, the open window was suddenly opened from the outside.

A red figure broke in.

The man arrived at the edge of the bed, sat on the edge of the bed, and stared at the sleeping Jing Ge.

Seeing Jing Ge sleeping, she didn't even dare to change her mask and clothes.

A trace of distress flashed in his eyes.

Bai Yeling sat in the room for a short while, then got up and left.

The next day was slightly cooler, Jing Ge woke up.

As soon as she washed up, someone came and rumored that Elder Zhou was looking for her.

Jing Ge heard the words, wiped the water stains on his face with a small white towel, went out and followed Luoyang Peak disciples, and arrived at Zhou Junming's residence.

Before entering the door, I could faintly hear voices talking inside.

Jing Ge stepped in.

He saw that in addition to Elder Zhou, there was also a man with a tall and straight figure and an arrogant posture sitting on the main seat.

"Hello Elder Zhou, hello Supreme Demon Realm." Singer Jing put his heart on his heart and bowed his head slightly.

"Sit down, I'm looking for you alone this time, I have something good to tell you." Zhou Junming said.

(End of this chapter)

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