First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 474 Summoning Companions

Chapter 474 Summoning Companions

The three-eyed wolf suddenly ran to the highest point, stood on the high place facing the foot of the mountain, raised its neck and let out a long wolf howl.

When Jing Ge and the others heard the voice, they all looked over at the same time.

The little wolf boy behind her suddenly let out a groan, and opened his eyes, revealing a pair of exceptionally beautiful green eyes.

"Wow." The little wolf boy made a weak voice in response to the three-eyed wolf's voice.

"Palace Master, it's not good, there are thousands of three-eyed wolves under the mountain preventing the closing barrier."

Not long after, a disciple from the Frozen Palace rushed in and knelt down in front of Zhou Hongyu.

"What pack of wolves? Didn't people go down the mountain to deal with it last time? How did they deal with it?" Zhou Hongyu was furious when she heard this, and the anger made the aura around her even fiercer.

The surrounding disciples didn't dare to approach her at all, the disciple lowered his head, his voice flinched: "Elder Xiao sent Xingcao, Meng Fei, Chu Xiaojie, and brothers Du Feiyuan down the mountain together..."

The disciple spoke in a lower and lower voice, and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

The anger that belonged to Zhou Hongyu came from the top of his head, making his scalp numb and his feet soft like shrimp.

"You bastard, you've done more than you've done, where is Elder Xiao?" Zhou Hongyu scolded angrily.

"Elder Xiao is now leading people down the mountain to eliminate the three-eyed wolves. If the wolves are not dealt with, it will be difficult to completely close the barrier." The disciple trembled nervously as he spoke.

"Waste thing, inform Elder Xiao, if you don't handle the matter well today, come and see me tomorrow."

Zhou Hongyu, who had lost her beloved daughter, was in a state close to madness, covered in blood, and had a violent temper. She would take someone's life at any time, offering blood as a sacrifice to her dead daughter.

Such a situation made many people dare not approach her easily.

"It's the three-eyed wolf pack, it was calling its companions down the mountain just now." Jing Ge showed joy.

"Wow." The little wolf boy behind him yelled again.

The three-eyed wolf came down from a high place, killed a guard who was trying to stop it, and walked straight to Jing Ge.

The Three-Eyed Wolf sniffed the little wolf boy on Jingge's back, and said hello to the little wolf boy with a low voice, "Aww".

Jing Ge turned around and touched the Three-Eyed Wolf's nose with his hand, and his eyes fell on its three injured eyes, feeling uncomfortable, and whispered to the Three-eyed Wolf: "Don't worry, he's fine."

As if the three-eyed wolf understood her words, he stuck out his tongue and licked her palm.

"What are you still doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you kill this three-eyed wolf? It's this wolf who summoned the pack of wolves down the mountain. As long as you kill him, the pack will lose its cohesion without a leader and be defeated." Zhou Hongyu shouted loudly.

As soon as her order came out, the guards and disciples who were closer to the three-eyed wolf quickly changed their attack target, trying to encircle and kill the three-eyed wolf.

The three-eyed wolf couldn't see anything, but could smell more and more breaths approaching him.

Thinking that the little wolf boy was still by his side, it quickly turned around and ran away, taking those who wanted to kill it to the other side, away from the little wolf boy.

"Don't go." Jing Ge wanted to protect the three-eyed wolf, and wanted it to stop.

"Wow." The three-eyed wolf barked and continued to run forward.

Jing Ge wanted to rush over, but people soon surrounded her, and she couldn't get away, and was forced to continue fighting.

"Wow." A miserable cry sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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