First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 477 Two people alone

Chapter 477 The Two Are Alone

Meng Feifei had never seen Jing Ge cry before, this time she was really frightened and began to speak cautiously.

Not because of fear, but purely because of worry.

How much pain must have caused such a strong master to not be able to hold back the tears.

The more I think about it, the more hatred I feel towards the Ice Cold Palace, and I wish I could directly wash this place with blood.

Jing Ge put the little wolf boy off his back, put it in Meng Feifei's arms, and asked: "Hold him, be careful of the wounds on his body, don't hurt him."

After speaking, he walked in the direction of the three-eyed wolf's corpse.

She squatted beside her, raised her hand to touch the head of the Three-eyed Wolf's hand, felt the still warm body of the Three-eyed Wolf's body in her palm, took a breath and said, "Don't worry, I will help you take care of him to grow up."

Bai Yeling came behind her and silently followed her.

"Everyone, hurry up and go down the mountain, the reinforcements will be here soon." Chu Xiaojie stood in the crowd and shouted, and the movements of those people immediately accelerated a lot.

"Let's go."

"Master, it's not good, the little wolf boy has passed out." Meng Feifei's voice came, Jing Ge rubbed his face, stood up quickly, and walked back.

"What's wrong?" She ran towards Meng Feifei.

Meng Feifei looked anxious, shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on, I was fine a moment ago, but suddenly I fainted from crying, and I can't wake up no matter how I scream."

Bai Yeling glanced around and said, "Let's go down the mountain first, and then I'll check him after I go down the mountain."

As soon as he gave an order, the escape team immediately moved into action.

Down the mountain, the inn.

Jing Ge asked Meng Feifei to put the little wolf boy on the bed, and began to examine the little wolf boy anxiously.

After a while, she put down the little wolf boy's hand, stuffed it back under the quilt, and stood up.

Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie approached quickly, and asked, "How is it? Is the child alright?"

Jing Ge shook his head, "It's nothing serious, it's just that I fainted after crying for a long time and short of breath, it will be fine after a while."

Jing Ge didn't wear a mask on his face, and a face that was so powerful that Chu Xiaojie couldn't take his eyes away. He swallowed and said, "Brother Xingcao, why are you so good-looking? You If you had a girl's face, how many people would be obsessed with you."

After speaking, he swallowed again.

Before the coveted gaze could be retracted, Fatty immediately received murderous gazes from two people at the same time, and an elbow from Meng Feifei.

"Pfft." Chu Xiaojie almost spat out a mouthful of blood from being bumped.

Clutching his stomach, he looked at Meng Feifei sadly: "Brother Meng Fei, why did you suddenly beat me? My stomach was just beaten, and it still hurts."

As he spoke, he rubbed himself a few more times, with a sad look on his face.

Jing Ge looked at the two of them for a while, saw the blood-oozing bandage on Meng Feifei's shoulder, and immediately said: "Feifei, come here, I'll treat your wound."

Meng Feifei glanced at the injury on his shoulder, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile: "Master, I'm fine, you can deal with the injury on your hand first."

Her wrist, the new bandage that Bai Yeling put on her not long ago, was bleeding again because of a fight.

Bai Yeling gave Ye Shiyi a wink.

Ye Shiyi immediately pushed Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie's shoulders and said: "I will change the medicine, let me change the medicine for you, by the way, and little fat man, those people outside are still waiting for you to settle down, You better hurry up and settle down."

As Ye Shi said, he took advantage of the situation and pushed both of them out.

He also closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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