First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 550 Another Confession

Chapter 550 Another Confession

Jing Ge raised her eyebrows and changed her address.

"My lord, how did your old man know?" Between speaking, her eyes narrowed dangerously: "Could it be that your old man is a veritable voyeur?" If you didn't peek, how would you know what she used? Is it a strap to corset?Instead of Baibu?
Bai Yeling suddenly changed his posture, let go of her hands, put his hands on her sides, enveloped his whole body, trapped her firmly under his body, face to face, eyes to eyes.

A sudden masculine breath came to his nostrils.

Looking at those charming deep eyes from a close distance, Jing Ge suddenly heard the beating of his own heart, which became stronger and stronger every time.

The four eyes met, and the surrounding temperature was rising.

First the wall thud, now the bed thump——

"Uncle Bai, get up first, it's not good for us to be seen like this." Jing Ge quickly brought back the rationality in his mind.

Pretending to push him away.

However, as soon as his hands touched Bai Yeling's strong chest muscles, he immediately retracted like an electric shock.

It feels great too.

She was afraid that she would touch it again, so she couldn't help touching it a few times.

"No one will dare to come in." Bai Yeling reached out to brush away the shattered hair at her temples, put it behind her ears, stared at her face seriously, moved his fingertips quietly, and touched Jing Ge's delicate lips.

There was an impulse in his heart that drove him, wanting him to lower his head, capture those delicate lips fiercely, and devour them into his stomach.

"Uncle Bai, the look in your eyes makes me feel very dangerous, like a wolf that has seen its prey." Jing Ge squirmed a few times, trying to escape from under him, but Bai Yeling had already sensed her movement, The long legs were directly stuck on both sides of her waist, preventing her from advancing or retreating.

Jing Ge gave up the thought of running away, and looked into Bai Yeling's deep, dark eyes.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you. The atmosphere was really awkward. In order to avoid this embarrassment, Jing Ge tried to find a topic: "Uncle Bai, I remember when I first met you in the cave, your eyeballs were obviously red. Yes, why is it black now?"

"You want to know?" The corners of Bai Yeling's lips curled up slowly.

She started to pay attention to his affairs. Does that mean that she gradually began to have his place in her heart?The more he thought about it, the happier he became, the more obvious the corners of his lips curved, even Jing Ge could see his snickering expression.

But, is the question she asked so funny?

Jing Ge slandered inwardly, trying her best to ignore that heart that was beating irregularly and was about to go crazy.

The next moment, under Jing Ge's gaze, Bai Yeling's eyes turned from black to evil red.

What makes people feel strange is that after the color of his eyes changed, Bai Yeling's whole aura changed, becoming monstrous, full of evil and darkness, but also terribly sexy.

Jing Ge felt as if she had fallen into his red eyes and couldn't get out. Under the amazed expression, she almost forgot to breathe.

What a pair of beautiful eyes.

"If you keep staring at me like this, I won't be able to bear it." Bai Yeling's voice became hoarse, and some adult colors appeared in his red eyes.

Can't help it?
Can't help what?
Want to play tricks on her?Or do you want to force her?
"Uncle Bai." Jing Ge suddenly raised his voice and forced a smile: "How old are you?"

"24, not yet married."

(End of this chapter)

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