First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 552 The auction begins

Chapter 552 The auction begins

This means that Lang Ming was awake from the beginning?Or was it woken up when they were talking loudly?
It's a good thing that Langming is still young and ignorant, otherwise would she still have this face?
It's all Uncle Bai's fault.

"Gege..." Lang Ming crawled over, hugged her calf and acted like a baby, with his big fluffy tail flicking back and forth behind his buttocks.

Explosively cute.

The next day was the opening ceremony of the auction.

In order not to be late.

Jing Ge and Bai Yeling got up at Maoshi and arrived at Chenshi.

However, after they successfully entered and took their seats, something happened in the backstage of the auction. The opening ceremony, which was originally scheduled to start at Chen Shi, was delayed until Si Shi.

During the period, whispers were whispering everywhere in the venue, and it was very lively.

Jing Ge and the others entered the arena separately, but one less person entered than originally planned.

Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie were left in the inn together, responsible for taking care of Lang Ming, and looking after the elder Sun Lili.

This woman, since she was severely rejected by Bai Yeling that day, has suddenly changed into a different person, no longer as narcissistic and talkative as before.

She became more and more silent, and occasionally glared at people with a kind of sinister look, and she didn't know what she was planning in her heart.

Jing Ge was busy with the auction, so she didn't have time to talk to her eldest grandson Lili, so she could only stay with Meng Feifei and watch over her, lest she cause any unmanageable things in Lingcheng.

After all, this is not the capital of Xuanyue Kingdom, and something happened, which is not good for them.

"I'm sorry everyone, there was a small incident in the backstage just now, which caused the auction to be delayed a little bit, now that the matter has been dealt with, our auction will start soon.

First of all, welcome everyone to participate in this year's largest auction, everyone has come from all over the world, it is really hard work.

Next, please welcome our Mr. Xiao to speak on stage with applause. "

"Ah, it's the third master, so handsome."

"Hey, my favorite third master, if only I could marry the third master, even if it's a concubine's room, I'm willing."

"Just give up. If the third master's fiancee hears these words, be careful with the heads on your necks."

"Tch, why does that woman become the third master's fiancee?"

"That's right, she's still so ugly, with such a big scar on her face, it's scary to look at. If the third master really takes her home, won't it scare her into nightmares at night?"

"Yes, I feel sorry for the third master when I think about it."

"I want to marry the third master and have a dozen children for the third master."

The chirping voices of a group of women reached Jingge's ears.

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the auction stage.

The man standing above looked familiar.

After looking carefully, Jing Ge recognized the man, who was the man she had rescued at the foot of Fuyuan Mountain a few days ago.

It turned out that he was from the Xiao family.

Mr. Xiao, she has inquired about this person.

The third son of the head of the Xiao family, born to concubine Ji, is in his early twenties, about the same age as the son of his eldest brother, Uncle Xiao.

The Xiao family is both an aristocratic family and a big family. There are always many conflicts and disputes between big families, especially the battle of interests.

Therefore, among these brothers, uncles and nephews, they only maintain the superficial friendship between brothers, uncles and nephews. Secretly, everyone hopes that the other party will die quickly.

Jing Ge just thought about it for a while, and guessed who the person who chased and killed Mr. Xiao at the foot of Fuyuan Mountain was.

(End of this chapter)

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