First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 554 Is it her lover?

Chapter 554 Is it her lover?

Xiao Yuhe didn't expect that he would meet her again so soon, and it was still on his own land, which made him feel a strange sense of excitement.

However, after he saw clearly that she came with another man, the smile on Xiao Yuhe's face gradually froze, and his expression became ugly.

What is the relationship between them?Why did they appear together at the auction?

Is that man her lover?

Xiao Yuhe narrowed his eyes slightly, apparently dissatisfied with the thought that popped up in his heart.

The appearance of this man does not look simple, he faintly feels that the other party will become his strong enemy sooner or later.

"Go and check the details of that person." Xiao Yuhe whispered to the attendant next to him, and ordered the attendant out. After the whole auction, Xiao Yuhe's eyes were glued to Jing Ge.

Once you find that she is looking for you, immediately look away to avoid being discovered by her.

He didn't know why he was avoiding her gaze, he only knew that when he saw her again, his heart beat violently and almost jumped out of his throat.

"Jing Baoer."

Jing Ge looked at the auction items at the auction, Xiao Yuhe seriously looked at her side face, thin and beautiful lips, and said her name lightly.

It's just three very common words, but when they linger on the tip of the tongue, it makes people feel full of happiness.

"Is there anything else? It's fine to repay your kindness, and you don't need to make a promise with your body. Although you look good, you are still not my favorite; as for money, I don't need it for the time being. You can just treat it as my sudden kindness and save me. You." Her voice echoed in his mind, again and again, until it was unforgettable.

It was the first time he had met such an interesting woman, even though she was wearing men's clothing, he was still spotted by him at a glance.

Xiao Yuhe hooked the corners of his lips, and the eyes that fell on Jing Ge's body became more and more hot and eager, and a thought was silently firmed up in his heart.

This woman, he has made up his mind.

"The last auction item of the day is a wordless book." Xiong Mingming's voice made everyone's eyes focus on a blue book with no words in his hand.

Obviously, this wordless book is not simple. If it was simple, it would be impossible to put it on display, and it would be even less likely to be the final auction item on the first day.

Like everyone else, Jing Ge looked at the wordless book in Xiong Mingming's hands with curious eyes.

Xiong Mingming has the demeanor of being a host. Seeing so many eyes on him, he curled up his lips and smiled, and spread out the wordless book in his hand, so that everyone can see that it is really blank, a single word nothing.

He flipped through a few pages at random, showing them clearly to the audience from every angle, and raised his voice: "This wordless book was found from the ancient ruins. Everyone knows what the ancient ruins are, so we should know more about it." , the things that come out of that place are all extraordinary things.”

Xiong Mingming paused at the right time to watch the reactions of the audience, and continued after a while: "But this wordless book has been brought out for nearly a year, and no one has been able to decipher it yet. come out."

"Can't you decipher it in such a long time? I'm afraid it's not a fake book." Questioning voices soon sounded from the audience.

"The guest mentioned the problem, and we had the same question before the auction, but later, after testing by our auction staff, it was confirmed that the source of this book is indeed an ancient ruin, and its previous owner If it wasn't for livelihood, it would be impossible to take it out and sell it." Xiong Mingming was obviously very good at dealing with sudden problems, answering every question in an orderly manner without rushing.

(End of this chapter)

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