Chapter 570
Driven by curiosity, Bai Changle moved forward for a further distance, and stayed on the side of a small stall outside the door, half covering his face, behind him was Ye Shiyi who was also covering his face.

"It's terrible, I can't believe that's my brother." Bai Changle muttered this sentence no less than thirty times today.

inside the shop.

Bai Yeling was dressed in red, very conspicuous. He stood inside and looked around, quickly scanning to find if there was a menstrual belt - in fact, he couldn't understand it, because he had never seen it.

Just heard about it once.

"My lord, do you need something?" A young woman came out, gave him a polite smile, and then walked back behind the table, waiting for him to say what he wanted.

Bai Yeling rolled his eyes around, feeling a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, the woman asked again: "Do you want to prepare a gift for your lover? Here are some new hairpins. You can take a look and see if you like it."

Hearing the words, Bai Yeling really walked over.

There was a dark green hairpin in his eyes, and he picked it up.

"I want this."

"Sir, you have a good eye. This hairpin is made of thousand-year-old agate, very spiritual," said the young lady, wrapping up the hairpin and handing it to Bai Yeling.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, and still unwilling to leave, he immediately asked, "Does the guest have any other needs?"

"This deity wants to buy..." Bai Yeling was unusually nervous, the hand holding the ginger and brown sugar paper bag tightened, making the bag make a sound.

The young woman turned her head and just saw the brown sugar and ginger inside the bag, and immediately laughed, but there was no meaning of teasing in her smile, she said: "It turns out that the young master is here to buy that thing for his lover. Bring it to the son."

She knew he must be shy, so she deliberately used that thing instead of the term menstrual belt.

It can be said to be quite considerate.

Bai Yeling didn't know how he got out, he only knew that the moment before he walked out, out of the corner of his eye, he saw several women in the shop whispering and laughing.

His eyes wandered to him from time to time.

But soon, he was scolded by the young woman.

After walking out of the shop, Bai Yeling walked quickly.

It was more than a star and a half faster than when it came.

Shortened at least half the time back to the inn.

Bai Changle and Ye Shiyi who were following behind failed to catch up to him after a while.

Bai Yeling returned to the inn, immediately opened the door of Jing Ge's room, and walked in.

Jing Ge was in so much pain that he couldn't sleep, and felt bored while lying in bed, so he took out a book.

When Bai Yeling came in, she was flipping through "Seven Kills", which was a gift from him.

She wanted to recite the first move first, so she took it out to have a look, and recited it by the way.

Bai Yeling walked over, saw the book in her hand at a glance, frowned and approached, gently removed the book in her hand, and said displeasedly: "Don't read it if you feel uncomfortable, don't worry."

"I'm much better now." Jing Ge said, then looked at the things in his hands: "Have you bought everything?"

"Well, I bought it back." Bai Yeling said.

Then he opened the bag and handed the things to Jing Ge.

Jing Ge got the menstrual belt, but didn't open it directly, and said with some embarrassment: "Well, I'll go to the latrine."

After finishing speaking, he got up and got out of bed, strolled to the door, before he opened the door, he turned his head and said to Bai Yeling: "Brown sugar and ginger, give Feifei, let him put some of each, boil water and bring it to me."

Holding the brown sugar and ginger, Bai Yeling watched her slip away, his mind was full of the flushed face before she left.

so cute.

I really miss the day.

(End of this chapter)

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