First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 572 Brown Sugar Ginger Water

Chapter 572 Brown Sugar Ginger Water
Meng Feifei and Ye Shiyi stood by the whole time, waiting for him to finish the work.

Until the air was filled with the smell of brown sugar ginger water, and the water made the sound of gurgling and boiling, Meng Feifei said: "It's all right, put it in a bowl and take it out, and give it to the master when it cools down."

Bai Yeling poured out the brown sugar ginger water, Meng Feifei thoughtfully washed a spoon and put it in.

Holding a bowl of brown sugar and ginger water, Bai Yeling knocked on Jingge's door, then pushed it open and walked in.

Jing Ge looked up at him.

Knowing that the brown sugar and ginger water was ready, I lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed.

Bai Yeling moved faster, quickly came to the bedside, holding the bowl in one hand, pressing down on her hand with the other, pulling back the quilt to cover her.

"Lie down well, don't move around, I will feed you."

"I'll just do it myself." She had a stomachache, but she wasn't disabled anymore.

How awkward to ask Uncle Bai to feed her.

Bai Yeling scooped up a spoonful of ginger water, blew it cold and brought it to her mouth.

Jing Ge couldn't refuse, cured and lowered his head, opened his mouth slightly to drink, and accidentally saw a small piece of carbon black on Bai Yeling's knuckles.

A bold idea flashed through my mind——

"My lord, is this brown sugar ginger water boiled by you or by Meng Feifei?"

"What do you think?" Bai Yeling looked at her while feeding her.

"I guess it's you." Jing Ge wanted to say it was Meng Feifei on purpose, but before the word Mongolia was pronounced, Uncle Bai gave him a hard look with just a mouth shape.

Desperate to survive, I had no choice but to go back and change my words.

"Is there anything in the Baiyun Gym that you need?" Bai Yeling asked suddenly after feeding her the brown sugar ginger water.

"I heard that Baiyun Gymnasium has a grade test for alchemists. Those who pass the test will get a grade certificate and it will be recorded in the book, so I want to take the test." Exam, the nightmare of young people in modern society!

It's a pity that she traveled to ancient times, but she still couldn't escape the tragic fate of the exam.

In this world, pharmacists and weapon refiners are different from the general path of spiritual and martial arts. The latter two are for strength improvement, and breakthroughs and promotions are enough.

But pharmacists, like tool refiners, need to take exams and have a level certificate before they can enjoy the corresponding rights.Alchemists are divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, medicine king, medicine saint, medicine emperor, and medicine fairy.

If you can have a master-level pharmacist certificate token, you can travel freely in countries below the third level, and you can get a medicine king-level token, no matter where you want to go, you will be greatly welcomed.

So in other words, such a token of level certification is a pass to travel in the various levels of countries in the Kyushu mainland.

The assessment held by Baiyun Gymnasium can only go up to senior pharmacists.

Jing Ge's goal is a master alchemist.Master-level pharmacist qualifications can only be assessed by countries with level [-] or above, and the results will be recognized by Kyushu.

She must obtain the senior alchemist qualification certificate here before she can go to a country of level [-] or above to participate in a higher level of assessment——

Her goal, of course, is the highest, the alchemist of the Yaoxian level.

If she got the certificate of Yaoxian level, her status in Kyushu would be extraordinary.

"Do you want to participate in the pharmacist level assessment?" Bai Yeling got up, walked to the table and put down the bowl.

Turning around, moved a small stool and sat down by the bed, looking at her.

After drinking the warm brown sugar ginger water, Jing Ge's body began to break out in a fine layer of sweat.

His forehead was also covered with fine sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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