Chapter 579

"Stop, you can't leave if our lady didn't tell you to leave." She had the ugly face of a villain.

Jing Ge put Lang Ming down, and looked at Fei Cui expressionlessly: "The feet are on my body, so I can walk whenever I want."

Because of his nervousness, Lang Ming tightly held her hand, his small palm was full of sweat.

Jing Ge pulled Lang Ming, and wanted to leave in another direction, but within two steps, was stopped by Fei Cui.

"No one can leave until Miss says you can leave." Fei Cui cursed loudly, relying on more than a dozen guards standing behind her, she stood proudly in front of Jing Ge, her nostrils dilated, she was so proud that she almost didn't have a tail behind her. She is up to the sky.

Jing Ge bent her lips with a sarcastic smile, raised her hand and slapped the other side of Fei Cui's face hard, and then shook her hand and said, "Tsk, you're so thick-skinned, my hand hurts from the slap."

"You..." Fei Cui's face turned black with anger, her left and right sides were slapped, they were red and swollen, and soon her face became swollen like a pig's head.

After the swelling is over, the face starts to itch.

The itching was severe, so she started to scratch, and the more she scratched, the more itchy, the more itchy, the more she scratched. After a while, her face was red, swollen and watery, and she couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"Ah, it's so itchy, miss, my face is so itchy." Fei Cui ran to Hao Jiamin.

Hao Jiamin dodged in disgust, and angrily said: "Bold servant girl, don't get close to Miss Ben."

Fei Cui stopped aggrieved, but still kept scratching, her face was covered with her own nail marks, ugly and ugly, getting heavier and heavier, more and more like a pig's head.

When the attendant next to him saw it, he couldn't help but hide away in disgust.

"Miss, miss, you must be the master of the slaves, they must have done something good!" Fei Cui knelt on the ground with a puff, hugging Hao Jiamin and wailing.

Hao Jiamin raised her foot to kick her away, but couldn't.

It turned out that his body also started to itch. First, the feet that were held by Fei Cui started to itch, and then his whole body was incomparably itchy.

It was so uncomfortable that she wanted to hit the wall.

It was hurt and disfigured by scratching, and it was unbearable to not scratch it, and I couldn't control it at all.

"Go away." She thought it was Jade who infected her, her face was distorted in anger, and she kicked Jade away.

Fei Cui was lying on the ground in embarrassment, her body was extremely itchy, she frantically tore her clothes, and scratched randomly... Although her face was swollen like a pig's head, she was born by Hao Jiamin's side since she was a child. Especially the breasts are big, the clothes are pulled and pulled, and half of the snow is exposed.

Many men present saw their eyeballs almost popping out.

There was a faint sound of swallowing saliva.

"Hey, you bastard, where are your eyes looking?" A peasant woman found out that her husband was also peeking, she slapped him angrily, grabbed the man by the ear, and angrily dragged him away.

Hao Jiamin also had severe itching all over her body, but her upbringing as a lady made her unable to be as shameless as the maid Fei Cui.

She scratched through her clothes, and there were a few scratch marks on her face and neck: "What are you still doing in a daze? Send Miss Ben back home."

Hao Jiamin reprimanded the guard.

The guard rushed over in a hurry, and the coachman quickly got into the carriage.

The guard glanced at the jade that was rolling and howling on the belt, and asked, "Miss San, what should I do with the jade?"

"Take it back, lock it in the room for three days, and only give a steamed bun and a bowl of water a day." Although she knew that the itching on her body was strange, she still angered Fei Cui.

Who told her to be so stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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