Chapter 596

The poison given to Hao Xingyue was used to deal with Hao Jiamin, and the one Jing Ge kept in his hand was prepared for Uncle Xiao.

After Hao Xingyue left, Jing Ge went out alone.

She seems to be walking casually on the street, but in fact, her attention has always been on the pedestrians on the street.

Soon, she discovered that there were six strong men sent by Uncle Xiao to monitor her.

Jing Ge curled her lips into a smile, and a plan came to her mind.

She deliberately walked towards the city gate and led those people out, making them mistakenly think that she had already left the city gate and embarked on the road of chasing the orcs.

But in fact, she still stayed in the mausoleum.

Wait until night falls.

Jing Ge changed into a coquettish red girl's outfit, painted an overly delicate makeup, and covered her face with a white gauze.

Sneaked into Uncle Xiao's residence quietly.

Under the dim moonlight, a swift and vigorous red shadow landed on the rubble, quietly opened a corner to see the situation inside.

There are three people in a room, one man and two women, overlapping each other.

One black and two white bodies, black fat and white thin but plump.

The chest is as big as the head of a newborn baby.

Uncle Xiao placed his thick black hands on it, and uttered obscene words: "Lost, straighten your waist."


Jing Ge only glanced at it, and quickly moved her eyes away. The picture in the room was too eye-catching, and she was afraid that if she continued to look at it, she would get a needle's eye.

Damn, it's really not the right time.

This dead old man, at a great age, is actually so lecherous.

When the cold wind blew, Jing Ge rubbed his arms and sat down beside him.

She was not worried that she would have to wait for a long time, because, from the eyes of her doctor, Uncle Xiao's body shape and complexion must be a person with kidney deficiency.

Kidney deficiency, and two women were invited to spend the night at the same time, the time will definitely not be too long, maybe it will be resolved in less than 3 minutes.

Jing Ge was blowing cold wind from the eaves, guessing.

Sure enough, within half a cup of tea, Uncle Xiao suddenly let out a low growl, and then the matter was over——

The two women didn't seem to be satisfied at all. They looked at Uncle Xiao sadly, but they didn't dare to say anything. Driven by Uncle Xiao, they picked up the clothes from the ground, wrapped them around their bodies, and walked away. Room.

Another moment passed.

Uncle Xiao's snoring sound could be heard from the room. Jing Ge flew down from the eaves, and the silver needles on his fingertips were flying. The moment he landed, the silver needles pierced the acupuncture points on the shoulders of the two gatekeepers, and the guards quickly fell to the ground and passed out.

With a brisk figure, Jing Ge pushed the door open and entered the room.

Lianbu came to the bedside, and the silver needle pierced the acupuncture point on Uncle Xiao's neck, and Uncle Xiao automatically opened his big mouth in his sleep.

Jing Ge quickly put the poison into his mouth, slapped his chin hard, and scraped his fingers along the Adam's apple on his neck.

The pill-like poison slipped into Uncle Xiao's body.

"Who is it? Why did the two people here fall down? Come on, hurry up, there is an assassin, catch the assassin."

Torches were lit outside the door, and shouts rang out.

The next moment, there were footsteps all around.

Jing Ge quickly ran to the bed, opened the windowsill, and jumped out.

The pursuers came up behind him, Jing Ge flew up to the eaves, kicked the rubble with his legs, and the flying rubble flew towards the pursuers behind him, knocking down several people.

Jing Ge leaped to the fence and stood firm.

Before leaving, she threw out a hidden weapon and jumped off the wall... Instead of running directly towards the inn, she ran in the opposite direction.

Jing Ge disappeared into the night, Zhu Xi called a team to chase Jing Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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