Chapter 601
"Master, what are we doing?" Meng Feifei came in and was very puzzled when he saw Jing Ge packing up his things.

"Hush, pack your things quickly, quietly." Jing Ge put her finger on her lips.

"Why? We didn't do anything bad? Why did we do it so sneakily?" Meng Feifei scratched his head in wonder.

"We are going to run away." Jing Ge said, walked to the edge of the table and sat down, Meng Feifei also walked over.

"Run away? Why?" Meng Feifei felt that why had become his mantra.

A man who would not act according to the plan at any time said that he really didn't know what medicine his master would sell in his gourd.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, anyway, I don't expect you to be able to figure it out, anyway, just do what the master tells you." Jing Ge took a sip of tea, stood up again, and worked around to see if she was falling behind. something.

"Then when are we leaving?" The master was right, he just did as he said.

No matter what the master decides, it is right.

"Go back and just tell the little fat man about it, don't tell anyone else."

"Okay." Meng Feifei went out from her room, and immediately ran to tell Chu Xiaojie who was sleeping in the same room.

Chu Xiaojie's eyes widened after hearing this, and he opened his mouth to scream.

Meng Feifei quickly covered his mouth: "Keep your voice down, master won't say anything, if you act recklessly, be careful, master will not even want us."

Chu Xiaojie nodded, swallowed nervously, and put his arm around Meng Feifei's shoulder: "Sure enough, it's right to come out with Xiao Geer, it's really exciting."

"Do you know why Master took us away quietly?" Meng Feifei asked.

"Of course I know, in order to avoid the Demon Lord and those people." Chu Xiaojie casually took a pear from the table, wiped it with his hands casually, took a bite, and it tasted delicious.

"Avoid the Demon Lord? Why?"

"Why else? Haven't you noticed recently that Mo Zun is pursuing our little Ge'er?" Chu Xiaojie looked disgusted.

He is such a smart person, why does he have such a stupid accomplice?

"You mean, Master told us to pack up our things and leave secretly, in order to avoid Lord Mozun?"

Chu Xiaojie nodded seriously: "You're not too stupid, that's the truth."

Meng Feifei recalled every bit of what happened in the past, and said: "I don't believe it, Master looks like he doesn't know about this at all."

"You really think that Ge'er doesn't know that the Mozun likes her?" Chu Xiaojie shook his head and smiled, and continued: "Tsk tsk, Geer is so smart and powerful, how could he have such a stupid apprentice like you."

"Shut up." Meng Feifei said angrily.

He had always been the one who bullied Chu Xiaojie, but this time it was the other way around.

"Are you sure you want me to shut up? I know—" Chu Xiaojie whistled and looked at him proudly.

"Tell me."

"Ge'er actually knew that Mo Zun liked her a long time ago, but Ge'er obviously didn't want to respond to the other party's feelings. In order to avoid directly hurting people's hearts, of course he had to slip away quietly." Chu Xiaojie had a rare IQ online. After returning, he took out the package under the table and said seriously: "Actually, I have already made preparations. Look, I have packed everything for my salute."

Meng Feifei: "..." This fat man!
"Do you think Master is interested in Mozun?" Meng Feifei thought about what happened in the capital's doctor's mansion before.

At that time, the master had many suitors, but all of them were ruthlessly rejected by the master.

Only Mozun is special, instead of directly rejecting Mozun, the master even chose to run away!
(End of this chapter)

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